10 Famous Myths about Solar (and Why We Believe Them)

Do You Believe These 10 Famous Myths About Solar?


famous myths unicorn
Famous Myths – The Unicorn

Did you know that solar panels were around before personal computers, the Internet and even floppy disks (remember those?). And yet, many people still regard solar photovoltaic (PV) panels as a “new, untested” technology!

Have you delayed installing panels because you also subscribe to many of the famous myths surrounding this renewable power source?

Let’s take a look at some of the more common myths and misconceptions about solar energy.

Famous Myths #1: Solar Isn’t Powerful Enough for My Home or Business

According to National Geographic, enough sunlight hits the planet every hour to power the world’s electricity needs for an entire year. (Wow!).

We’ve only tapped into a tiny fraction of this huge potential.

But in the U.S., tens of thousands of businesses and homeowners go solar every year and watch their monthly utility bills drop to $0. Some companies even receive negative electricity bills because their solar installations produce too much energy. They’re able to sell this extra electricity to the utility company — at a profit.

Famous Myths #2: Solar Panels Aren’t Really Green

It’s true that manufacturers use fossil fuel to produce solar panels — a process that emits CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

But the energy payback period of today’s panels is about four years. It takes this long for the clean electricity generated from your panels to exceed the dirty energy used to create them.

After this carbon-neutral breakeven point, your installation produces nothing but green benefits.

Famous Myths #3: Solar Is Expensive

famous myths magic lamp genie
Famous Myths – magic lamp / genie

When solar panels first came out in the 1950s, this was definitely the case. But decades of innovation and economies of scale have brought the technology within easy financial reach of businesses large and small. From 2008 to 2013 alone, panel prices fell by a staggering 80 percent.

Plus, there are countless  solar incentives to help reduce the cost of your installation — sometimes by as much as 50 percent or more. And with a solar lease, you can actually receive a new installation for free (Editor’s Note: just be aware of what the leasing companies don’t tell you).

Famous Myths #4: Solar Doesn’t Work at Night

This is true, but it’s also misleading. With incentives like net metering, you can feed excess electricity into the grid during the day (when your panels are working) and draw out the electricity you need at night (when your panels stop).

The entire utility network becomes virtual storage — removing the need to invest in batteries or backup power.

Famous Myths #5: Solar Equals Sacrifice

After installing solar panels on your property, there are no lifestyle changes you need to make. You’re simply replacing one energy source with another. All of the computers, coffee machines and photocopiers in your office will work just as they did before.  (Editor’s Note: of course, you’ll reduce your energy consumption anyway, to be green).

The only real difference is that you’ll now need to decide what to do with all your extra savings.

Famous Myths #6: Solar Doesn’t Work in Cold Climates

Famous Myths - Solar in Cold
Famous Myths – Solar in Cold

It’s a bit counterintuitive (which is why this is such a common misconception). But solar panel output is inversely proportional to temperature. The colder it becomes, the more clean electricity your panels produce. (Editor’s Note: I live in a hot climate, and it’s true, solar panels are less efficient here, but still worthwhile).

Solar Myth #7: Solar Doesn’t Work When It’s Overcast

Although direct sunlight is optimal, your panels will still generate electricity, even when the sky is gray. (Ever been sunburned on a cloudy day at the beach?).

Solar Myths #8: Solar Panels Are Ugly

This misconception is subjective, and increasingly irrelevant:

  • Many businesses and homeowners regard their solar panels as badges of honor — public demonstrations of their environmental commitment and financial savvy.
  • Modern panels come in a variety of shapes and colors. There are even solar shingles that can replace the tiles on your existing roof.

Solar Myths #9: Solar Can’t Exist without Subsidies

This is true. But neither can oil, gas and coal. In fact, compared to renewable power, the fossil fuel industry receives six times as much government support.

(And besides, are you really prepared to turn down free money from the government — money that will help you save even more cash down the road?).

“Solar is an investment, pure and simple”

Solar Myths #10: Solar Is a an Investment Worth Delaying

This last myth is arguably the most important. And it may be the primary reason why you haven’t installed panels on your business or home.

Many people and companies are “interested” in solar — but they keep delaying until the conditions are “just right.” And on the surface, this makes perfect sense. After all, panel prices keep falling and efficiency rates keep going up. The longer you wait, the better.

Not exactly. You’re overlooking two important things:

  1. Not Going Solar Carries Its Own Cost.  In the months (or years) that you delay going solar, you’re still spending money. Panels may be cheaper tomorrow, but you must factor in the extra utility bills you’re paying today.
  2. Solar Incentives Expire by Design.  Many of the incentives mentioned above work on a regressive sliding scale before expiring. Early adopters receive the most (and highest) subsidies. Latecomers receive the fewest (and least) — assuming they receive any at all.

Solar is an investment, pure and simple. And just like retirement planning or college saving, the sooner you begin, the higher your returns.

This is a Guest Post by Ryan McNeill, President of Renewable Energy Corporation, one of the Mid-Atlantic’s larges residential solar energy companies – committed to installing quality, American-made solar panels and energy products for homeowners. 

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  • Some good points being made in this post which will probably take many people by surprise – even those who already subscribe to the principal and already have at least some solar power or heating.

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