10 Natural Allergy Solutions

Natural Allergy Solutions – Feel Better!


Natural Allergy Solutions are safeIf you or a loved one suffer from vicious seasonal allergies – you have my sympathy. I know just how utterly miserable it can make you feel.

Luckily, there are things you can do to help – and these natural allergy solutions don’t include popping chemical pills!

Here are some healthy, natural and safe things you can do to help you suffer less and give your allergies a good fight.

And the even better news is, they’re all easy to do as well as green and eco friendly!

Natural Allergy Solutions #1 – Quercetin

apples are good natural allergy solutionsEat plenty of tomatoes, apples, onions and buckwheat. Why these foods? They contain quercetin, an antioxidant which is believed to help minimize the body’s allergic response by preventing the release of histamines. (You can also take a quercetin supplement, but it’s always better to get it from fresh whole foods).

Natural Allergy Solutions #2 – Honey

Natural Allergy Solutions - honeyEat raw, local honey daily.  If your allergies are caused by pollen, this is a sweet way to fight back! Take one tablespoon per day of local honey, which desensitizes your system to the irritant and reduces symptoms while it does so. Note: it should be local honey for the best results, because the honey will contain pollen local to your area, which is what you need to desensitize you. If that’s not possible, any honey will be beneficial to some degree. Drink it in tea or coffee as a sweetener, or on its own.

Natural Allergy Solutions #3 – Water

Natural Allergy Solutions - waterDrink lots of water. By drinking at least the minimum recommended amount of water per day, your body will be able to eliminate many of the toxins that build up and then provoke allergies. In addition, enough water also helps lubricate all body systems, in order to prevent irritation. Drink water with fresh slices of citrus fruit for added vitamins, and drink green tea or herbal tea – ring the changes so you don’t get bored with plain water. Just do whatever it takes to make sure you drink plenty of water.

Natural Allergy Solutions #4 – Yummy Fresh Juices and Smoothies

Sinus pain, itchy eyes, miserable pressure headaches are no fun. BUT drinking fresh juices and smoothies is! Getting a nice dose of live enzymes and healthy nutrients from fruits and veggies down an allergy–stressed throat is a great way to help allergies. Here are some great juice recipes for allergies.

Natural Allergy Solutions #5 – Vitamin C

natural allergy solutions - citrusDon’t forget vitamin C. It decreases the amount of histamine in the blood, which leads to a reduction of allergy symptoms. Eat lots of fresh fruit and especially citrus. In addition, eating chilli peppers, kale and broccoli will also boost your vitamin C.

Natural Allergy Solutions #6 – Avoid Junk

natural allergy solutions - no junk foodMaintain a healthy diet. Putting the right building blocks into your body is the best way to ensure the proper function of all body systems. Your body needs a wide variety of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins. By eating a well-balanced whole foods diet, you will be well on your way to conquering your allergy symptoms.

Junk / convenience food, foods full of sugar or sugar substitutes, and foods made with white flour can all cause inflammation which triggers allergy symptoms. They drain your system while offering no nutritional benefit whatsoever. Try to ensure that a large percentage of food entering your body is the kind that builds, not destroys.

Natural Allergy Solutions #7 – Tolerated Foods

Avoid foods you are intolerant to. Even if you do not have a life-threatening allergy to certain foods, those you are intolerant to create stress on your body. Consuming these foods can give your body more of a burden to bear. This in turn leads to a lower tipping point which then aggravates any allergies you may have.

Natural Allergy Solutions #8 – Shower

natural allergy solutions - showerTake a shower. One simple way to fight seasonal allergies is to take a shower every time you enter your home. This is a quick way to rinse off any unwanted allergens that could disturb you at a later time. If you allergies are still bad as you go to bed, take another quick shower. This will ensure you don’t bring unwanted allergens into bed with you.

Natural Allergy Solutions #9 – Neti Pot

natural allergy solutions - Neti pot Take a tip from Ayurvedic medicine and use a neti pot. This is a great way to flush out pollen and common allergens from one of their most common entryways… your nose. Do this 1 to 4 times per day when your allergy symptoms are at their peak.

Natural Allergy Solutions #10 – Exercise

I know. When your allergy symptoms are at their peak, the last thing you want to do is exercise. But try to at least move a bit – stretch, wave your arms around, jog on the spot…… Because exercise helps your body in so many ways, it is not surprising that it’s at the forefront of strategies when it comes to fighting allergies. Regular exercise encourages blood flow, which helps your body to remove allergens more quickly.

There are many easy ways to reduce allergy symptoms – and these 10 natural allergy solutions are all easy and even fun! Use them to help prevent and minimize allergies from now on.

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  • I’d add another one: give up animal products. When I went vegan, I noticed an improvement in my allergies … they got so much better. I haven’t read much about it, but I believe there’s a link between eating meat and allergies. Thanks for these great tips!

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