3 Safe Alternatives to Bleach

Ditch the Bleach!


3 safe alternatives to Bleach and disinfectantsDon’t spend your hard-earned money on bleach or disinfectants!

Use any (or all) of these 3 safe alternatives instead.

Watch the video, or read the text below – the choice is yours!

The kitchen is the heart of the home

And of course you want to keep it clean.

bleach isn't healthy A lot of people use bleach and other chemical-based cleaners – and they definitely work.

But they’re not good for our health.

You don’t want to breathe in the fumes from bleach. Plus, most household bleach cleaners also contain formaldehyde – a known carcinogen.

You don’t want kids burning their skin with bleach.

Most cleaners, sprays, bathroom cleaners etc use chlorine or bleach.

They’re risky to our health, and bad for the environment.

So, instead, here are 3 safe, natural cleaners you can use instead.

They’ll do the job perfectly, and you’ll protect your health, and the environment too.

For green living, use one of these 3 natural, safe cleaners.

  1. Vinegar

white vinegar instead of bleachThis is such a great all-purpose cleaner! I know people with loads of bottles and strays – a different product for different parts of the house.

But vinegar can be used all over – countertops, tables, walls, tiles, sinks and more.

Vinegar is a mild disinfectant too, so you’ll be clean and safe.

It’s also great for cleaning windows and mirrors.

Just mix with water in a spray bottle – it couldn’t be simpler! About 50 / 50 water to vinegar is normally good, but you can make it as strong or as weak as you want.

Won’t it smell? No, it doesn’t, but you can also add a drop or 2 of your favourite essential oil if you wish.

2. Lemons

lemons not bleachLemons are brilliant! They also disinfect – and they smell great too!

They’re the best thing to use to clean chopping boards – just cut one in half, rub it all over the board, and then wash the board in hot water.

You can also squeeze lemon juice down your drain to keep it smelling fresh.

3. Tea Tree Oil

This essential oil smells wonderful and is also a natural disinfectant. Just add a few drops of this oil to warm water in a spray bottle, and you’ve got an instant sanitizer!

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