Which Are The Best Diet Pills?

Which Are The Best Diet Pills – For YOU?


I wonder who came up with the idea of diet pills? They’re such a great idea! You get to lose weight – with no effort! So, which are the best diet pills?

best diet pills are supposed to help weight lossThere are loads of them available – how can you choose the best diet pills for you?

One reason there are so many varieties to choose from, is that diet pills are not treated like “medicine” so there’s very little regulation.

Instead they’re classed as “supplements” and in many countries (including the US, UK and many more), the makers can put in pretty much whatever they want as ingredients.

And that’s a problem.

Need to lose 10 pounds or 4kg? No hassle, just pop a pill a day – it’s so easy!

That’s what you’re led to believe.

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But sadly, it’s not the case.

Are The Best Diet Pills Safe?

Generally not. Now, it may be that some people take too many pills, or have other underlying health issues, but there are many deaths each year caused by diet pills.  Yes, deaths! Not illness (although that happens too) – just Google “death from weight loss pills” and you’ll see some horrifying cases.

What About Natural Diet Pills?

Many diet pills are marketed as being “natural”.  They should be better, shouldn’t they? And they should be more green and ecofriendly too.

Well, if you’ve been reading my blog for a while then you’ll know my views on “natural”. Natural does NOT always equal good or safe. Arsenic is natural.

For example, many “herbal” diet pills on sale in 2016 were found to contain the synthetic medicine sibutramine – which was withdrawn from Europe and the US in 2010 due to increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.    Neither natural nor safe. That’s just pure money-making.

 Related: Have you heard of The World Peace Diet? Read about it here!

What are the Side-Effects of Diet Pills?

There are many side-effects – the worst of which is of course death. A man died in the UK after taking diet pills – he was found to have the caffeine equivalent of 300 cups of coffee.

quote your diet is a bank account - avoid even the best diet pillsCommon side effects of diet pills include high blood pressure, sleeplessness, kidney problems, increased heart rate, agitation, liver damage, and diarrhea.

The longer you take diet pills, the more likely you are to experience these side effects.

The main reason why they’re so harmful is because they contain stimulants that are harmful to your overall health, and especially your heart health.

On top of that, certain diet pills can contain antidepressants and amphetamines, making them very addictive.  And of course, if you get addicted to them, then you’ll be at higher risk of experiencing any of those side effects.

Related: The top 6 best health-healthy foods that help prevent the #1 killer, heart disease

Do The Best Diet Pills Actually Work?

The sad truth is that almost all weight loss pills are ineffective.

Many contain a combination of caffeine and other diuretics. They help with water loss, which makes you look better on the weighing scales. But it’s only short-term – and water weight can return very easily.

(It’s important to note that there are times when a doctor will prescribe diet pills for certain patients – but typically, this is done on a temporary basis and is highly regulated with a short-term goal in sight).

Another Problem With Diet Pills

It’s SO tempting to think you can lose weight by just taking a pill.

healthy lifestyle better than the best diet pillsBut unfortunately, genuine weight loss – weight that you lose and then KEEP off – involves effort. It means changing your habits.

Healthy eating and regular exercise are required to lose and maintain a healthy weight.

It’s boring, isn’t it? You’ve heard it all before.

Because it’s a fact.

And the “miracle diet pill” marketing isn’t going to change that (but it will make some people very rich!).


Even if you do achieve your weight loss goals with diet pills, you will encounter plenty of other problems on the way. Why? Because you will just avoid changing your life for the better.

Diet pills only represent a temporary solution, and once you stop taking them, you will instantly go back to your initial weight and poor habits.

The best diet pills are – none at all.

To change how you look, you need to change the way you live.

Your end goal shouldn’t just be weight loss – it should be living a healthier life.

Did you know that people who live green are happier? They also have a more non-toxic life, and more time to spend on the important things in life. Find out how to live a simpler, greener life with this FREE ebook now! (Click the picture, or click here).

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What do you think about diet pills? Have you used them, or do you know someone who did? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free green living handbook “Live Well, Live Green” here.



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