Bottled vs Tap – The Taste Test (Video)

Which Water Tastes Best?

My blog on bottled versus tap water generated lots of comments and there were many different viewpoints. Thank you for the debate! I’m going to discuss alternatives and suggestions, but first, I wanted to share a video.

Now this video does not consider the environmental impact of bottled versus tap water at all.

But many of you brought up the very valid point of taste.

My next blog will reveal a little-known secret which will help you to make the decision which is best for you about water.

In the meantime, do watch the 2 videos below, and let me know what you think.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy this video from the renowned Penn and Teller – they go to an upmarket restaurant and “taste test” some water:

Why do we drink so much bottled water? Here are some answers:


bottled water, bottled water taste, eco-friendly water, tap water, taste of tap water, video

  • Clare, this goes to show the power of persuasion and a great marketing plan. I always love it when people swear “I can taste the difference between x and y” becasue I know in a blind test they canot do so.
    Scott Sylvan Bell

  • Clare,

    Thanks for the video. I’ve always hated the taste of Evian, tastes like dirt. NYC water is great, that’s why the pizza is so good! San Francisco has great tap water. San Diego does not…
    Guess it just depends on where you live.
    Keep it coming, thanks!

    Andrew Miner

  • I love the Penn and Teller water steward – that is a classic. Also I now know the correct way to pronounce Dansani,

    I is amazing how we create our own realities.

  • Revealing video . We have a new water in Oz which has some odd qualities which seems to be baffling everyone as it seems to make people well , after they have been ill . It is a water with additives called Unique Water . It will be interesting to see the test results in the future .

    • Unique Water is an interesting one. The bottled water contains magnesium and bicarbonate ions, which apparently have health benefits and may delay the ageing process. I don’t know enough about health to say whether it may help of if it’s another marketing ploy. Thanks for your comment!

  • Great story. Wondering if you have an opinion on alkaline water? That’s been getting a lot of publicity lately it seems.


  • That video is a statement to advertising. I never had a problem with tap in Jersey but Phoenix tasted as dusty as the city itself. Las Vegas is more of a chlorine flavor but a simple filter fixed the problem and saved me tons.

  • Clare – More interesting stuff, still amazed that people still claim tap tastes like trash, and that bottled water is a gift from god, or so it seems.

    Always looking forward to more

    ~Mark Hogan

  • Evian … Naive … I remember that from way back when … Although I used to buy bottled water, I couldn’t tell the difference in taste – I guess I just bought into all the marketing hype. I’m going to have to share this video with people who still think buying bottled is the way to go ….

  • Advertising is a powerful thing. Our minds definitely influence our beliefs so when we take that part out by doing a blind test such as in the video, we remove our preconceived notions and get a truer response.


  • […] If you don’t like the taste of your water, you can solve it easily with a water filter.  (That’s what many of the bottled water manufacturers do, so you’re drinking it anyway – just save yourself a lot of money).  But which one?  Find out how to choose the best water filter for YOU in your specific circumstances.  Also see the Water Taste Test Video   […]

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