Confiscated Coral

Where Have the Fish Gone?


coral reefs protect fishOn the floor of the ocean, the amount of coral is regarded as a key indicator of reef quality.   Today, only about 2 percent of reefs in the Indo-Pacific have coral cover like they used to.

Why is that a concern?  Because corals are rather like rainforests in that they support a large amount of bio-diversity.   They provide the spawning grounds for huge numbers of fish, and provide support, a home and protection for many species.

What is killing coral?

  • Overfishing,
  • nets dragging along coral beds,
  • the increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (from our pollution) lead to a more acidic sea
  • rising sea temperatures

It is estimated that we are losing coral faster than we are losing rainforest!

And once the coral dies, the ability of fish to reproduce is significantly reduced.  Which affects fishing industry, and tourism.

Would you like to see some coral? British store Selfridges focuses on selling only sustainable fish; here is footage of some gorgeous coral

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coral loss, eco friendly, environment friendly, green, habitat destruction, over fishing, water wise

  • Coral does have the ability to draw some amazing fish to their colors. Thanks for sharing and amazing video.
    Scott Sylvan Bell

    Now go implement!

  • A problem on the Great Barrier Reef is damage caused by boat anchors . Yachties are gradually waking up to the fact at long last .

  • Coral is so beautiful and fascinating to learn more of how it contributes to biodiversity and the life cycle of fish themselves. And it’s alive! Most of us see it only later when it is made into jewelry.

    Happy Dating and Relationships,

    April Braswell, CH
    Dating and Relationship Expert

    • Wow – that is so cool! I wish I could have been there. Thanks for thinking of me! Did you have your feet nibbled by the fish? (I believe that was one of the attractions). Thanks Eva!

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