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Natural Health & Environment News – Oh, the Hypocrisy!  /  Emotions and Breathing  /  New Clean Water Act Favors Polluters

Bite-sized pieces of news all about natural health and the natural world. Curated from around the globe – all in one place!

29 January, 2020

News snippets

massage to reduce stressDid you know that your breathing is closely connected with your emotions? You know what it’s like when you get stressed – your heart races, you breathe more quickly, your mind starts to spin…..  It’s only within the last few years that scientists discovered that what you’re feeling directly affects your breathing. Now, we know that we can make that work in reverse too. You can change how you feel by using your breath! When it comes to stress, for example, deep breaths get more oxygen to your brain so you can think more clearly, and it also helps to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. (Discover 5 super-quick ways to de-stress in the 5-day Challenge below).

the world is better - less povertyOh the hypocrisy! The UK had an investment summit with Africa last week. UK PM Boris Johnson opened the summit talking about the climate crisis. The official statement talked about UK investment in renewable energy in Africa. But guess what? That was a mere 8% of the total. The rest of the money is mostly in oil and gas deals – billions in fossil fuels which will get Africa more dependent on them and worsen climate change! (That wasn’t mentioned at all).  The UK will host a critical climate summit in November where nations must agree to limit emissions. Oh yes, that’s really the right way to go about it, isn’t it?

more below……


more snippets


EcoFriendlyLink for green living, eco expert, climate changeThe oil and gas industry produces massive quantities of waste water. Often, it’s full of (undisclosed) toxic chemicals, especially fracking waste water. It’s called “processed” water, by the way – a nice, clean-sounding name. What do they do with it in the US? They want to pump it into rivers and streams. Because, oh dear, getting permits is time-consuming and confusing. Now, the EPA and Trump will allow them to do so, by removing the protection of the Clean Water Act from huge amounts of rivers. Sure, why not? It’s only going to affect drinking water and wildlife, after all. (Oh well, never mind. I’m sure Trump can afford to buy quality drinking water for himself). You can see a map here of the affected areas (basically half of the US). I am simply appalled that this is even being considered, let alone passed. Messing with a nation’s drinking water is rather similar to murder.

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to join the FREE 5-day “De-Stress with Yoga” Challenge! Discover how how 5 super-quick Yoga stretches can change your life – click here to get started now!


breathing and emotions, breathing and stress, climate change, de-stress, eco news, environment, environment news, global warming, Green News, stress

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