Environment News – “Something’s Got To Give” | Why They’re Burning

Environment News – Jane Goodall Interview / Why They’re Burning / Bronze Age. Iron Age, Now the ……


eco expert's environment news


Some bite-sized pieces of news from the environment this week.

11 September, 2019

News snippets


This whole climate change thing can be pretty confusing. It’s such a vast, complex science. So I was heartened to see a very simple video explaining what needs to be done.

You can watch it here. 


Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall, who devoted her life to studying and protecting animals, also talks about climate change. She explains the situation so simply and elegantly. And she explains why something’s got to give. You can watch a 9-minute interview with one of my heroes here.


As you know, for Muslims, it is considered a religious duty to make a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage or Hajj to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.  But it is now becoming more dangerous. A new study shows that climate change is causing incredibly high temperatures, putting devotees in danger of heat-related illnesses. But there could be a silver lining. There are calls for the Muslim community to join in the fight against climate change, so that future generations will still be able to do the Hajj. Muslims make up almost a quarter of the world’s population, so that could make a significant impact.

more below……

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plastic pollution - waste for a week

I remember reading about the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, then the Iron Age when I was in school. But scientists now say that the current period may become known as the Plastic Age. Plastic pollution is now deposited into the fossil record. It’s a scary thought – our generations will be remembered for wrecking the planet with plastic made from fossil fuels.

The Amazon wildfires are making the news – but can we stop them? Here’s an article I found very interesting. Journalists travelled 2,000km around the Amazon rainforest area, and interviewed people on both sides – those who want to protect the forest (and the planet), and those who want to exploit it – and why they do. You can read the article and see the short videos here.


live well, live green book free

Did you know that people who live green are happier? They also have a more non-toxic life, and more time to spend on the important things in life. Find out how to live a simpler, greener life with this FREE ebook now! (Click the picture, or click here).

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free green living handbook “Live Well, Live Green” here.


amazon, Amazon wildfires, climate change, eco news, environment, environment news, global warming, Green News, Hajj, Jane Goodall, plastic in the fossil record, the Plastic Age

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