Farmers’ Markets Tips – How to Get the Very Best Produce

These 5 Farmers’ Markets Tips Will Make Sure you get the Best Local Produce!

Tips for farmers markets


Buying fresh produce is a great way to get yummy food that keeps you healthy.  But before you shop, discover these farmers’ markets tips that will make sure you buy the very best local produce.

In my previous post – a Guest Blog written by John Goforth  – we read some real-life examples of people being fooled at farmers’ markets.  Sadly, it happens.  If you haven’t already, please read the first article so that you’ll recognise the signs and avoid issues.


Tip #1 – Is the Vendor the Producer?

Ask them about their farms. Ask them about how they grow the food. Most farmers are delighted to chat about their farm! If they’re selling you their own produce, farmers will happily tell you how they grew it.


Tip #2 – Buy From a Knowledgeable Middleman

It’s not always possible to buy directly from the person that grew your food, especially if they only produce a small amount. These farmers might be represented by a middleman acting as a salesman for 5-10 local farmers. The big difference here: When you ask, the middleman ought to know the farmer’s name and where his farm is located.


Tip #3 – Where Was It Grown?

Ideally, you want to buy local produce that hasn’t travelled miles and miles. Ask “Where was this grown?”  See the previous post by John for what type of answers you can get – and what they really mean!  This question can be very telling.


Tip #4 – Avoid the Big Stands

People automatically go straight to a stall that has a big pile of produce and lots of color. It looks great – but it’s probably a middleman. That’s fine – but you’ll probably get fresher, truly local produce if you go and look at the tables with just one or two products. The chances are good that the person standing behind them actually grew those items.

It’s a good farmers’ market tip to buy from the person that brought the least amount to market. Not only are they likely to be genuine – it will also encourage that farmer to continue to show up at the market.  Who knows what they might bring next time that you’ll miss out on if they decided it isn’t worthwhile.


Farmers’ Markets Tips #5 – Check for Stickers!

Some states or areas put stickers on their produce. Look for them! If you’re in North Carolina, and you see a “Product of California” sticker, you’ll immediately know it’s not local produce!



Buying local produce is the best thing that we can do for ourselves and for our local community.

Yes, these are some dishonest people out there. But if you follow these farmers’ market tips you won’t be fooled.

Remember, if you buy elsewhere, you’re directing money away from small local farmers who, too often, cannot afford your mistake.


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Photo Credit: dalalina


farmers' market for fresh local produce, farmers' market tips, farmers' markets tips

  • The appearance is so vital … we eat (and buy food) with our eyes. (Rub the apples with a little olive oil to make them shine, etc.)

    Lyle R. Johnson – aka The Sales Wizard

  • Hi Green Goddess,

    When I used to frequent the Farmers Markets in San Francisco, indeed, we knew who were the real deal genuine farmers. Great to learn how to know for sure.

    Happy Dating and Relationships,

    April Braswell, CHt, RH

  • Clare,
    great tips for making it at the farmers market. Now I know what to look for and what questions to ask. Very educational.

  • Good information, I will view the farmer’s market with a different perspective.
    Be Well.

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