Fight Plastic Waste With This Cool App Called Act Now!

Yes, You Can Make a Difference!


solution to plastic waste in rivers
A river in Jakarta choked with plastic waste – via


We all know we’ve got a huge problem with plastic waste.

According to National Geographic, only 9% of all the plastic EVER produced has been actually recycled, with the remaining 81% ending up in landfills, in the oceans, and in the environment.

What can you do?

Everyone can reduce the amount of plastic they use. But now you can also use your mobile to help!

Act Now is a social media app for mobile phones. It’s similar to Facebook or Instagram or Twitter. But the Act Now app identifies where the biggest plastic problems lie and which brands produced it.

Here’s how it works. You take a photo of plastic litter where you are, and add it to the Act Now timeline. Other members can comment, support and share content across other social media sites to embarrass/tag the brands.

(continued below)

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Why would you do this?

Right now, there is no accurate data that identifies the most polluted areas or the most polluting brands. Act Now want to change this, by creating a map of the worst affected areas worldwide.

The data can then be used by environmental organisations and other pressure groups, to force changes on companies and governments to change how plastic is disposed, manufactured and used.


We know that major change requires governments and laws, as well as big businesses. That can make us, as individuals, feel powerless.

Act Now gives you the opportunity to take part in the fight against plastic pollution.  Simply taking a photo during your day-to-day life contributes to the battle to clear our planet of plastic waste.

Download the Act Now App

This video will give you more details, and you can download the app here

For iPhone, click here to download 

Google Play Store click here to download the app


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Warm regards,

signature Clare




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