Food Facials To Nourish Your Skin (They’re Budget-Friendly Too!)

Yummy Food Facials Are Great For Your Skin (and Your Wallet!)


Your skin has a pretty tough life! It has to battle pollution and other toxins, the cold as well as the sun. And there are internal factors too, such as your genetics, your age, and of course your eating, sleeping and lifestyle habits.

food facials nourish your skinHow often do you think about your skin? It’s just kind of …. there, isn’t it?

It works 24/7 on your behalf. So, what about showing it some appreciation?

Let’s look at some gorgeous, yet simple, facials that will help to rejuvenate your skin and give it that healthy glow again. We’re talking yummy ecofriendly food facials here.

Why Use Food Facials?

There are so many things to love about food facials:

  • They’re totally natural – they use only whole foods
  • There are no cosmetic additives that might harm your skin
  • They’re miles cheaper than a spa visit
  • They’re really easy to make right in your own home
  • They’re made from ingredients you’ll often already have in your kitchen
  • They’re very green and ecofriendly – no processing, no packaging etc.
  • And (perhaps best of all), they are jam-packed with good-for-your-skin ingredients like antioxidants.

These antioxidants don’t just fight off stuff that can damage your skin. They also help to restore skin that’s been damaged by toxins, the sun or irritants.

Food facials will work to tighten the pores in your skin, so your skin looks and feels firmer.

So, let’s look at some yummy food facials you can make yourself – without the expense of a spa treatment!

Food Facials With Honey


 raw honey food facialsHoney can work wonders for your skin.

  • Its anti-bacterial properties will help keep your skin clean, which will help to prevent acne flare-ups as well as other skin infections.
  • The antioxidants it contains will help to keep cell damage at bay and fight the ravages of aging.
  • Honey will also re-hydrate your skin without clogging your pores, helping to give it that lovely fresh glow.

Skin Types: All skin types can use honey.

What to Buy: Make sure you use 100% pure, raw honey. If it’s been processed in any way, most of the health benefits will be long gone.

How to prepare it: Depending on your room temperature, you may need to warm the honey. It must be smooth enough for you to be able to easily spread it. If it’s too cold, it will be thick and difficult to work with. If you need to warm it, place the honey in a small glass container and place it in a bowl of hot water.

How to apply it: Spread the honey on your face in a very thin layer. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse your face completely when you’re finished.

Food Facials with Avocado


avocado food facialsAvocados will nourish and hydrate your skin, so they are perfect for an anti-aging mask.

  • The antioxidants and minerals in avocados give you a surge of skin-healing vitamins.
  • Avocados may penetrate deeper into your skin than other substances, and this can help to retain the skin’s moisture.
  • Avocados contain retinol, which helps to stimulate your body to produce collagen. Collagen is important for making your skin look younger and smoother
  • Avocados are known to fight free radicals that can cause a lot of damage to the skin.

Skin Types: All skin types can use avocados.

How to prepare it: Cut one ripe avo in half and remove the stone. Scoop out the flesh and put it into a bowl. Use a whisk to stir it until it’s smooth.

How to apply it: Gently pat the mixture onto your face, but don’t rub it in. Set a timer for 15 minutes. After that time, rinse your face well with warm water.

Food Facials with Mango


mango food facialsMangoes are delicious – for you AND your skin!

  • Mangoes are loaded with the important B vitamins including B6.
  • They also contain vitamin C which can help fight skin irritations or the over-production of oil that can lead to an acne outbreak.
  • The antioxidants in mangoes will help to restore youthful vitality to the face and may also boost your body’s collagen production process.

Skin Types: All skin types can use mangoes. A mango facial is especially good for those with oily skin. It’s also great if you’ve been in the sun for too long.

How to prepare it: Peel one ripe mango and put the flesh into a bowl. Stir it until it’s a creamy consistency that’s easy to spread. Note: if you have a bad reaction to poison ivy, be sure to remove all the skin from the mango as the skin contains the same chemical.

How to apply it: Spread the mango all over your face and leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Note: if you have a skin flare up at the time you want to do the mango facial, consider adding pure, raw honey to the mixture as an anti-inflammatory.

Food Facials with Lemon Juice


lemon food facialsLemon juice is packed with minerals and vitamins that are good for your skin.

  • Lemon juice helps to make scars less obvious, and can also help to reduce the appearance of age spots.
  • Lemon juice is loaded with antibacterial properties, so it can be used to treat common skin problems including minor rashes and acne.
  • It can be used as part of a regular facial routine to keep acne from developing. The skin on your face can get a build-up of oil that the skin secretes, but lemon juice strips it away, cleansing and toning the skin.
  • It will help to promote the growth of new skin cells, which makes your skin look revitalized.

Skin Types: Because it’s very acidic, some people might find that using lemon juice on the face tends to sting the skin. If this is the case with you, you’ll find it helpful to mix the lemon juice with just a little bit of water so that it’s not as acidic.

How to apply it: Add water to the juice if you prefer. Then simply add the lemon juice to a small spray bottle, and spray it directly onto your face, keeping your eyes closed.

You can also add honey to lemon juice. Add 1 teaspoon up to 1 tablespoon of raw honey for every half of lemon that you use. Pat the mixture on your face, avoiding your eyes.

Leave it on for a minimum of 15 minutes. However, if your skin feels comfortable, leave it on for longer as lemon juice will brighten your skin slightly.

Other Food Facials


There are many other foods that you can use in facial masks. For instance:

  • Bananas are great moisturizers
  • Vinegar can tighten up sagging skin.
  • Mayonnaise is a wonderful cleanser.

Don’t ignore anything in your fridge or on your shelves.

If you are not sure about a food, simply do a small test spot and leave it for 10 minutes then rinse off. If there’s no reaction after about half an hour, then it’s all good!

Want an easy way to enjoy lots  of fresh fresh fruit and vegetables? (They’ll help your skin from the INSIDE!). Make delicious fresh smoothies – get a FREE recipe book by clicking the picture below!

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Take a look in your kitchen. Avos, mangoes, honey and even lemons can be used to give your face a refreshing, revitalizing facial that is easy to make – and easy on your budget.

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Do you use food facials? Have you tried any of these ones? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE juicing and smoothies recipe book here!



ecofriendly, facial, facials, food facials, green, skin, skincare

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