Is Freeganism For You?

Could YOU Live With Freeganism?


Freeganism and the Freegan lifestyle – is it for you?

Let’s find out:-

  • Does the idea of having less “stuff” (perhaps even minimalist living) appeal to you?
  • Are you concerned about the health of the environment and our planet? (Of course you are – that’s why you read this blog!).
  • Do you love animals and are you concerned about their welfare?
  • Does consumerism rub you up the wrong way?
  • Do you want to get out of the vicious cycle of endlessly working and earning, just so you can spend, spend, spend – and then throw away?

If so, you might want to consider Freeganism and the Freegan lifestyle.

freeganism logo

Although the terms “Freegan” and “Freeganism” are relatively new, the concepts they embrace are actually not that new at all

What is Freeganism?

freeganism ethosFreegans value community, generosity and sharing rather than a society based on materialism.

Freegans want to live “free” of consumerism and everything that it entails. They live a very simple lifestyle.

For example:

Needs not Wants:- Freegans will use only what they need, and purchase as little as possible. They shun frivolous things like plastic toys, gadgets, and larger-than-needed vehicles. Freeganism is all about a minimal life.

Low impact:- Having as little impact on the planet and the environment is a mark of Freeganism. If they drive vehicles, freegans use as little fuel as possible and own as small a car as they can. They will consume as little electricity as possible, thus reducing pollution, and try to live ‘off grid’ in terms of power, water etc. And by living a simple life of needs rather than wants, they consume fewer resources thus protecting the environment.

freeganism t shirt Less waste:- Freegans are reacting against the waste generated by excessive consumerism. They minimize waste in their own lives by not buying unnecessarily, by buying used goods when feasible (e.g clothes, books, household items), choosing products with minimal or no packaging when they do buy. They reduce their food waste, and don’t throw away usable items – instead repairing and/or re-purposing them.

Community:- Gardening, foraging, and sharing are aspects of Freeganism, so a sense of community is an important benefit. Many Freegans learn to grow and preserve food and forage for wild foods in season.

Animal welfare:- Many freegans are concerned about the welfare of animals raised for meat, milk and eggs. They might raise their own, or shun animal food products altogether.

Opting Out:- Some Freegans really go the extra mile and buy nothing at all, rejecting anything to do with capitalism. Instead of buying or renting a home, they will “squat” on property that’s abandoned or otherwise unclaimed. Some freegans “dumpster-dive” and eat leftover restaurant food, and use wearable clothes that have been thrown away. They essentially live off the wastes generated by capitalism.

Is It for You?

Freeganism is not a religion, but those who consider themselves to be Freegans do subscribe to a particular ideology.

The full version of Freeganism (as described above in “opting out”) is perhaps too extreme for many people, but I think most of us who live a green and eco friendly lifestyle are following Freegan principles.

It’s a very interesting concept that is closely allied to green living.

It’s good for us – and for the planet!

Freeganism is all about community, caring and sharing. It’s not for everyone, but it’s a great way of protecting the planet.

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What do you think of freeganism? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download “Live Well, Live Green” for FREE here!



community, eco friendly, freegan, freeganism, freegans, green, green living, resources, share

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