Get Rid of Stains Naturally

Natural Stain Removal – Get Rid of Stains Without Chemicals


get rid of stains naturallyStains are nasty. Even the smallest one can ruin a good piece of furniture or your favourite item of clothing.

Of course there are chemical products which remove stains, but many of us prefer to avoid chemicals in our homes and workplaces, and use natural solutions instead. Natural stain removal is better for your own health – and that of the planet.

Here’s how to get rid of stains the natural way.

First, though, you need to know what NOT to do to get rid of stains – because if you treat stains the wrong way, they become even harder to remove!


How NOT to Get Rid of Stains

Heat.  As soon as you heat a stain, it sets and becomes more permanent. So don’t rinse a stain with hot water, and don’t put clothing into a washing machine or dryer without treating the stain first.

Rubbing. Rubbing actually grinds the stain into the material you want to remove it from! Also, for some items such as rugs, it can not only make the pile look shaggy but it can also unravel the individual fibres.

Rushing. Nothing is instantaneous. Allow the stain-removing product to work for about 30 minutes before proceeding with the next step.

Ignoring. Treat stains as soon as possible to prevent them from setting in the fabric. Always put something on it to break down the stain right away, even if you are out in public. It could save your outfit from being totally ruined.

stain wall clothes dirty old

Here’s How To Get Rid of Stains the All-Natural Way

Vinegar, baking soda (bicarbonate of soda), salt and lemon juice are wonderful stain removers – here’s how to use them.


1. Get rid of stains with white vinegar

Vinegar is a natural disinfectant – mix it with water and apply to the stain. How much water? Generally 1:8 (1 part vinegar to 8 parts water is good). Dilute even more for delicate fabrics. It will start to lift the stain out. The great thing about vinegar is that it’s also an odour neutralizer as well.


2. Get rid of stains with liquid soap

Liquid soap (eco-friendly liquid soap of course!) is good for more than just cleaning your hands! It helps to stop stains setting. Dab a little liquid soap onto stained clothing, for example. Leave it to work for a while then wash as normal.


get rid of spills with vinegar3. Get rid of stains with baking soda

Baking soda freshens the fridge and your clothing. Remove coffee stains with a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar. It can also help remove oily stains from fabric when mixed with water.


4. Get rid of stains with lemon juice

Lemon juice is a great bleach. If you’ve stained white clothes or linen, pour lemon juice over the stain and allow it to sit for a while. Then wash as normal.


5. Get rid of stains with salt

get rid of stains with saltSalt is really good for red wine stains. Pour salt over the stain, allow to sit for a while and then wash as normal. You could also pour white wine over red wine to help to get rid of the stain (but it does seem a bit of a waste of wine!) 🙂

How do you get rid of stains? Let me know in the comments below!

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get rid of stains naturally, natural stain removal, remove stains without chemicals, safe stain removal

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