Green, Environment News 29 November 2017


A round-up of this week’s environmental, green and ecofriendly news and updates.


Family ideas for Christmas bird spotting

It’s not just bees that are killed and harmed by neonicotinoids (pesticides). A new study shows that migrating birds stop eating and can’t find direction (they get lost) when exposed to the chemicals, which are widely used by farmers across the world (except in Europe where many neonicotinoids are banned). The (billion-dollar) pesticide industry says pesticides are vital to food production – but a major study showed that farmers won’t produce less food if they reduce pesticide use.


regulations and de-regulationYou know those advertisements when companies tell you how much they care about you?

How much good they’re doing?

Well, find out what regulations some organizations (secretly) want to have removed.

Spoiler alert: it’s not nice.


My Recommendation of the Week this week is all about toilet paper or toilet tissue. Something we all use every day, so it’s important – for your own health as well as the environment.

Did you know that toilet paper is bleached, often using chlorine – a known toxin. (Why? Because paper’s made from trees, and customers don’t buy paper that’s brownish, they want white). There are other chemicals too, and even a little formaldehyde (to improve “wet strength”). So, read the labels:

  • Look for TCF or PCF – bleached with oxygen or hydrogen, not chlorine. Avoid  ECF (Elemental Chlorine-Free).
  • Choose un-scented and non-patterned (to reduce the chemical load). Embossing is not necessary.

From an environmental point of view:

  • Bamboo seems to be a good alternative to paper (saves trees).
  • If you’re using paper from trees, choose recycled – preferably 100% recycled, and mostly post-consumer.
  • Check the packaging – opt for minimal, and it should be recyclable.
  • Some companies use renewable energy to manufacture.
  • Local production is good (save transport emissions).

So, think and look before you buy your next toilet tissue. I see a lot of products that say they’re environmentally friendly – but then don’t say what they do to make them so. Don’t be fooled by “greenwashing”!


green your petChristmas and The Holidays are bad times for pets. Puppy mills gear up for a busy season – many people buy pets at this time. Some go to good homes, others are unlucky.

And then after the holidays, animal shelters brace themselves for their busiest time – people dumping “unwanted gifts”.

So, read this post – you’ll see some astonishing figures!

Find out how to make sure your pet is green and ecofriendly. And at the end, there are links to more information – which are the greenest pets (I bet you hadn’t thought of that!), and why the holidays can be so stressful for pets (and what to do about it).   How to green your pet(s)


Global Green News:

unconventional fossil fuels offshoreThe UK government delivered its Budget last week. Carefully concealed were 2 items: renewables support is frozen till 2025, but there are tax giveaways for oil and gas companies.

How will the UK meet its Climate pledges? The influence of big business on governments is appalling.

weather climate change16 people were killed and many injured in Greece after a Mediterranean hurricane. Hurricanes are virtually unknown in this region – but research suggests that they will occur infrequently, but with more intensity, in the coming years.


US Green News:

climate change cuases stormy weather or droughtThe United States Global Change Research Program has issued a new report that paints a bleak picture of the consequences of climate denial. It was prepared by top scientists, and uses the most up-to-date science.

What’s great about the report is that it’s easy-to-read and understand. Now we just need global leaders and decision-makers to read it!

green energy solutions winter

“It’s a delicate place”. Watch this lovely (very short) video from NASA showing the Earth’s seasonal changes here.

Finally, don’t be tempted to buy Starbucks coffee in their holiday cups. If you like their coffee, bring a re-usable mug. Single-use disposables are horrible, no matter how pretty they may look.


What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

Please spread the Green word and share this info.

And if you’re on Twitter, get a daily green tip by following me – @EcoExpert1 . See you there!


climate change, eco friendly news, ecofriendly, environment news, green, Green News

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