How to Wake Up Earlier (And Get More Done)

How To Wake Up Earlier in the Morning- 7 Easy Ways




Did you know that people who get a lot done (i.e. are highly productive) tend to wake up earlier in the morning? how to wake up early and get more done!Early morning is a GREAT time to get extra things done – things you’re too tired to do at the end of the day.

Well, that’s nice to know, but just HOW to wake up earlier?

Well, there are several different ways – read through the options and find one (or a few) that will work for you. Then start getting up earlier – and getting more done!

7 Ways to Wake Up Earlier

  1. Your body has an internal “clock” that responds to light. Light means “get up” to this clock. Use this to your advantage. Use a timer (you can buy them cheaply at any home improvement or hardware store) to switch on lights in your bedroom at the time you want to wake up. It’ll be so bright in there you won’t be able to sleep!  (Of course, this will only work if you sleep alone, or if the other person also wants to wake up earlier).

2. how to wake up earlier alarmSpeaking of clocks, an alarm clock (or phone) is a time-honoured way to be woken up. However, you can tweak this to make it even better.  Put the alarm clock at its noisiest setting – then place it across the room from your bed. Getting out of bed, orienting yourself, and walking across the room gives you a better chance at staying up rather than crawling back to bed. I know someone who slept extremely soundly – she often slept through a (loud) alarm. So she placed her clock inside a tin can so it amplified and echoed the sound!

3. It’s common sense when you think about it – but it’s often something we don’t do. If you go to bed earlier, you’ll have had your required amount of sleep when it’s time to wake up the next morning bright and early.

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4. Use peer pressure to see how to wake up earlier. For example, perhaps you want to be the first into your workplace. Perhaps you want to avoid traffic on your commute. Maybe you want to be running on the beach at sunrise before it gets busy. Or be ahead of everyone else at the gym. Whatever your reason, being ahead of your peers can be great motivation to get out of bed!

5. how to wake up earlier step by stepSuppose you want to work out how to wake up earlier – say 1 hour earlier. Take gradual steps. For the first week, set your alarm just 15 minutes earlier. The following week, move that to 30 minutes earlier than you are used to waking up. In this way, you slowly build up to your desired 60-minute earlier rising time.

6. Exercising in the morning is a great way to make sure you sleep better at night. It’s good for your health to exercise, and when it’s bed-time you’ll find it easier to fall asleep early so you wake refreshed – and early – the next morning.

7. Reinforce in your mind exactly why you are getting up early. If your reason is big and important enough, reminding yourself of it every morning could be enough to do the trick.

How To Wake Up Earlier – It’s About the Why

All of these methods are simple – and of course they’re green and eco friendly too, so you won’t harm the environment, and you’ll benefit yourself.

But the most important concept is to remember “why” you want to get up nice and early. It takes a bit of effort to remember how to wake up earlier, so make it worthwhile – get something really useful done with the extra time you’re giving yourself!

Did you know that people who live green are happier? They also have a more non-toxic life, and more time to spend on the important things in life. Find out how to live a simpler, greener life with this FREE ebook now!

Live Well, Live Green


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What do you think? Do you get up early? Or would you like to? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free handbook for green living “Live Well, Live Green” here.



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