How to Green Your Pet (And Make Everyone Happier)

Do you have a Green Pet?


how to green your pet - dogs proliferateHave you ever thought about whether your beloved pets are green and ecofriendly?

Would you like to see some astonishing statistics?

Incredible Dog Statistics

Here’s something that’s quite incredible about dogs.

One male and one female can generate 67,000 puppies over a period of 6 years!

 67,000 puppies from one pair!

(See what I mean about astonishing?).

Being ecofriendly means being kind to the environment, and in my opinion it also means do no harm.

A little while ago I went to a talk by a local animal rescue and adoption agency where they discussed the problem of stray dogs.

While we were still reeling from the implication of 67,000 new puppies from just one pair of dogs, we then found out about the horrific number of dogs which are killed each year because they do not find loving homes.

Dogs and Euthanasia

how to green your pet - avoid shelter euthanasiaApproximately 2 million animals are euthanized each year just in the US. (The figure varies from year to year).

2 million!  That’s over 5,000 every single day of the year! So today, just today alone, 5,000 animals will be killed – just in the USA.

Of course it doesn’t happen only in America.

Many are killed on the little island where I live too.  And in the UK, Australia, Europe and all over the world.

That’s so sad.

Thousands of dogs killed all over the world, every single day.

Stray Animals

Stray animals are not green.  They often battle to find food, they don’t have proper nourishment for healthy development, and sometimes have to fight for food or territory.

It’s a hard and lonely life.

And if they survive long enough, they may face death in the gas chamber or by lethal injection.

It’s not green, it’s horrible.

What About Your Pet?

Of course, it’s not likely that your pets will be euthanased – you’re giving them a loving home, which is great.

But will your pets have babies? And if so, what will happen to them?

How To Green Your Pet

how to green your pet - cute puppyOne of the best things you can  do is to sterilize your pet.

There are all sorts of arguments that people use to avoid sterilization – but if you have any doubts, just look at #4 in the list below.

A green pet is a sterilized pet – owners report less aggression, less wandering, and a sterilized pet cannot create unwanted puppies.

  1. Make sure your pet is sterilized!
  2. Spread the word about sterilization! We have enough unwanted animals.
  3. Encourage your local veterinarian to offer sterilizations at reduced cost at certain times or in certain areas.
  4. Remember – if your own pets have puppies, and they go to good homes, you may be stopping another animal in a shelter from being adopted – thus condemning him or her to death.

Green pets are happy, well-looked-after pets who aren’t aggressive, and won’t have unwanted babies. If you’re living a green and ecofriendly lifestyle, you’ll want to green your pet too! You’ll be happier, and so will your pet.

Warm regards

signature Clare




Related:  which are the greenest pets?

Why are holidays stressful for pets?

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animal euthanasia, animal shelters, cats, dogs, ecofriendly dogs, green and ecofriendly pets, green dogs, green pets, green your pet, green your pets, homeless cats and dogs

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