Forget the Gym. Join a Team for the Best Exercise!

Local Sports Teams Offer More Benefits! Here’s Why You Should Join a Team.


join a team and enjoy sports like basketball


When you think about getting in shape, increasing your fitness and getting  more exercise, a gym is often the first thing to spring to mind. But sometimes, an expensive gym membership is NOT your best option. Instead, you’ll benefit more if you join a team and just spend some good time playing sports. Chances are, you have a sports team in your area that you could really enjoy!

There are many sports teams to choose from – skating, soccer, baseball, basketball…. a walking group or running team, and lots more! These teams are a great way to get in shape at a low cost.

Here’s why they’re so beneficial.

Interesting Cardio

For most people, cardio is what they’re missing for their fitness. But cardio at a gym isn’t exactly exciting. You might run on a treadmill or an elliptical, but it’s a boring movement that you repeat over and over again until you feel like you’ve done enough. If you’re lucky, they might have TVs that you can watch, but if not, you’re just staring at the wall or at the rest of the gym.

try different exercises with a fitness buddyBut if you join a team, whatever sport you’re playing  you’re probably going to be spending a lot of time running, or at least doing some kind of intensive cardio.

Plus you’re doing varied movements that help keep your body more limber and dynamic, and you’re not as likely to get bored.

Instead of just using your legs and walking, you might be using your arms, ducking down, moving side to side, and so on. This makes the workout much more interesting. Time flies fast so it doesn’t feel like you’ve been walking forever.


If you join a team, an important benefit is that it holds you accountable.

If you don’t really feel like going to the gym, and you don’t have a gym partner or anything like that, you’re just not going to go.

But  if a team is counting on you to be there, you’re going to be much more likely to show up whether you feel like it or not, because you’re being held accountable. It’s really nice to be able to spend time with new people and do something that you enjoy.

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Save Money and Enjoy It More!

Gyms can get stagnant and boring after a while. It’s much more enjoyable to do something that varies and changes and helps you grow as a person.

And don’t forget that team dues are nearly always cheaper than a gym membership!

So, join a  team – it’s a really great alternative to working out (especially if you’re on a budget).

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to join the 5-day Yoga to De-Stress Challenge –  it’s fun! You’ll be glad you did.  Click here to join – it’s FREE!


exercise, fitness, get fit, get in shape, gym, gym membership, join a local sports team, join a team

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