Lemons Cure

Lemons Cure a Wide Variety of Ailments!


lemons cure many ailmentsLemons have so many uses – including risottos, a wood polish, and a marinade – read this short article for more details.

But did you know that lemons can be used to help with many ailments?

Here are some common ailments that you can use lemons to help relieve.


Lemons Cure Poor Circulation

Add a drop of lemon oil to each glass of water you drink throughout the day to help improve your circulation. (Did you know that people with diabetes often have poor circulation?).


Lemons Cure High Blood Sugar

Apply a few drops of lemon oil to your wrists or the soles of your feet to naturally lower your blood sugar levels.



The pleasant scent of lemons may help to produce a sense of fullness, prevent emotional eating and may also curb hunger and cravings.


Lemons Cure Osteoporosis

Acid causes the body to take calcium from the bones which causes them to weaken. But lemons are alkaline and so they help to prevent excess acid, thus helping to protect bones. Drink a cup of hot water with lemon juice every morning. Add a sprinkle of cayenne pepper for even more alkalinity if you wish.



lemons cure insomniaThe aroma of lemons has a calming effect, which means that a warm drink of lemon juice mixed with a little honey at bedtime can help you to sleep.


Lemons Cure Colds

Lemon juice mixed with honey and warm water can be soothing for a sore throat and also helps to break up mucus.  Personally, I like to add a slice of lemon studded with cloves, and some whiskey to this mixture – it’s very comforting at bedtime!


Lemons Cure Nausea, Travel Sickness

Simply suck on a lemon wedge for a few minutes or until symptoms of nausea or travel sickness subside. Or you can drink fresh lemon juice. (Always rinse out your mouth after ingesting pure lemon juice as it may cause damage to tooth enamel).


Feeling Down?

If you’re having A Bad Day, cut up a lemon and let the refreshing scent fill the room. Or put a few drops of lemon oil on your wrists and then inhale the scent throughout the day to lift your mood.


Lemons Cure Heartburn

Lemons cure heartburnYou’d think the sharpness of lemons would be the last thing you’d need when you have heartburn, but the alkalinity of lemons can help. Try drinking a cup of warm water with lemon juice each morning – this will raise your pH levels and help to prevent heartburn.


Lemons Cure – But Beware!

These natural remedies help most people – but there are always exceptions. Use common sense and don’t overdo it.

And if the remedies don’t agree with you, discontinue them.

But if they work for you – great! You’ve got a cost-effective, simple, drug-free solution to many common ailments!

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lemons, lemons cure, natural remedies

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