Not Ecofriendly – Death by Plastic Part II


In my last blog I talked about how non eco-friendly our rubbish is.  I said that whales are being killed by the plastic littering our oceans.  As well as other animals, fish and birds.

And if you’re thinking “I don’t litter, so I’m not contributing to the problem”, stay tuned!  (You’re right!).  (Partly).

(By the way, if you see or hear a reference to the Pacific Vortex, it’s simply another name for the Great Pacific Garbage Patch).


Want more? How about a fun video from actor Jeremy Irons?       5 myths debunked about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch  Just how common is plastic in our daily lives?

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eco lifestyle, environment friendly, green, protect the planet, recycling

  • 40:1. Those are bad odds.
    Great video.
    I absolutely don’t litter. I hate it.
    But I know I’m about to become responsible for
    something I didn’t do….

  • You see all the careless poeple out there and wonder how they would feel if it was their home and people were littering…

  • When a problem is so large (like littering in the ocean), how can you STOP it without becoming a police state?It does not appear that just appealing to folks better nature has much affect.
    Sonya Lenzo

    • You’re absolutely right Sonya. Hopefully over the next few blogs we’ll explore ways to help. They won’t change the world, but they will make a difference. Referring to your earlier comment, it’s also my perception that littering has become more of a problem in recent years.
      Thanks for commenting!

  • In the video, when she states that instead of leaving a trail of bread crumbs, we are leaving a plastic trail in the ocean … my heart just sunk. Where exactly do people think all the garbage that they throw around end up???

    Thank you for taking an important stance of shedding light so more people can become aware and start to do something about it (getting rid of “it’s not me syndrome”)

    Best, Neil

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