Off Peak Electricity Can Save Money

Use off peak electricity to save money – and the planet!


off peak ElectricityDemand for electricity is high in summer due mainly to air conditioning to cool homes and offices. Demand is lower in the mornings – that’s off peak electricity.

To save money, and help the environment, use appliances during off peak electricity hours. (Off Peak hours are those during which the least electricity is consumed).  In many countries this is during the early mornings in summer.

Why use off peak electricity?

Electricity provided during peak hours is often more expensive than off peak electricity.


Because power plants are built differently for different types of demand.

  • Base load power plants, which provide a steady flow of power regardless of total power demand by the grid, are normally designed to be as efficient as possible (even though many of them use fossil fuels to generate electricity).
  • Peak-load power plants (aka “peakers”) however, may only operate just a few hours a day (or even a few hours per year).  Therefore, it is not economically practical to make it as efficient as a base-load power plant. The more demand there is during peak hours, the more of these inefficient peakers need to be built in order to meet it.

OK, so what can I do?

Simple. Shift your energy-intensive tasks, such as doing the laundry and using the dishwasher, to off peak electricity hours – mornings, some nights and weekends.  Simply remember the clock whenever you decide it’s time to put those big appliances to work – after 7pm and weekends are generally good for off peak electricity.

Check for off peak electricity hours in your local area – it does vary.

A useful website is Flex Your Power.

Remember though to check with your local electricity provider about their individual off peak electricity hours.  You may need to sign up first, before you will see savings.  Also, in Australia there was a problem with some providers not reducing their off-peak electricity costs unless some small-print conditions were met.   Finding out the details can definitely help to save you money!

Here is a very short, fun video on the same topic:

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off-peak electricity, Save money, use appliances at night

  • This is a great tip to savge money. Programming around peak hours was why a programmable thermostat was invented and they can save up to 27% on an air conditioning bill. That’s twenty seven just in case anyone thought I mis-typed. Off-peak electricity can be 1/3 the cost of peak. Bu using appliances at night in the summer you also won’t make the house hot. Of Course in winter…

    • Wow! 27% savings on air conditioning alone, that’s amazing! We all need to check the off-peak rates in our areas, thanks Kevin!

  • In summer is when I use less electricity, maybe because there is more hours of day ligth?? Also…I don’t use air conditioning…my appartment is orientated as you recommended in earlier posts, so no too much problem with the heat in summer! But winter…then yes…I do use the heating…I don’t like to be cold. I guess I can use the same principles for saving money on electricity in winter.

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