Can Being More Optimistic Improve Your Health?

Is it REALLY Better to Be More Optimistic?



I like optimists. I automatically feel more cheerful when I’m with optimistic people.For a while, I worked with a few people who were definitely not optimists (the glass was half empty for them). I found they influenced me – and it was not for the better.

joy - be more optimisticHaving a positive, optimistic outlook in life is a choice.

You can choose to see the brighter side of life – or you can think otherwise and react negatively to things.

Your thoughts, and how you react to life’s events have a huge impact on your well-being.

Researchers suggest that optimistic people:

  • are better skilled at coping with stress,
  • have lower risk of cardiovascular disease
  • tend to develop stronger immune systems

Wow! Isn’t that amazing?

Yet even though optimism is associated with many health benefits, it isn’t something that comes naturally to everyone.

So, what can you do to become a more optimistic thinker?

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There are many different approaches, but they all revolve around identifying negative thoughts and replacing them with those that are more positive.

If you’re not naturally optimistic, it may take a little time – but with continued practice you will find that positive thinking will start to become second nature.

To get started with this important character-moulding trait, here are 4 tips to help you think more positively.

  1. Smile, Recite, Relax, Enjoy!

To become more positive and optimistic, you need to do the same things that naturally optimistic people do.

Research has shown that even the small act of smiling affects how positive you feel – and it makes the people you interact with, more positive too!

You can also develop a powerful positive mindset by reading or even reciting daily inspiring quotes.

It’s difficult to be optimistic and positive if you’re tense. So get a loved one to rub your shoulders, or go for a massage. Yoga and meditation are also great for relaxing you and focusing your mind away from stressful things.

  1. Avoid Pessimists

surround yourself with people who are more optimisticThe people you associate with can influence your behaviours, beliefs and overall perspective on life. So you really do need to choose your friends and associates wisely.

If you hang around the wrong crowd, eventually some of their bad traits will begin to rub off on you.

Surround yourself with positive people and spend less time around negative individuals. Pessimists will only feed your mind with doubt while optimists will inspire and encourage you.

  1. Tame the Fear of Failure

Negative thinking often stems from the fear of failing. It takes root when thoughts of a bad outcome become deeply rooted in your expectations.

The funny thing is, when you fear failure, it’s more likely to happen!

Instead, view mistakes and failure as opportunities to learn. It becomes much easier to maintain a positive outlook when you have forgiving and reasonable expectations for yourself.

  1. Challenge Your Mind

What you feed your mind manifests itself in your thoughts, words and actions.

constant bad news makes you less optimisticSo, be careful what you expose your mind to.

If you watch a lot of news broadcasts, for example, you would think that the world is a terrible place, full of mayhem and disaster. Of course, you want to keep track of current events. But a few minutes each day is enough.

Increase optimism by listening to music or reading books that encourage a positive outlook. Positive messages and stories can shape your thinking and give you a more upbeat attitude toward life.

Green Living is Positive!

When you live a  green and ecofriendly life, you almost automatically feel better!

Not only are you helping to save the planet, but you’re improving your own life too. You’re eliminating dangerous toxins from your home, you’re simplifying your life, and you’re appreciating the things that are truly important.

Green Spring Blossoms for optimismHere’s another tip for more optimism: get out into Nature – even if it’s only for a brisk walk in the fresh air. Noticing the world around you, and all the small changes that happen every day, has a great grounding effect. (It’s also very green and ecofriendly of course!).

Consumerism is NOT good for optimism. Consumerism makes you think you never have enough. You are never satisfied, and other people always seem to have more or better “stuff”. When you are content with what you have, and appreciate it, optimism is a by-product!


There are many other approaches to improving positive thinking, but the 4 methods above are a great starting point on the journey to mastering optimism.

Living a  green and ecofriendly life also makes you more positive.

And remember, being an optimistic person doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to nurture this trait – so start practicing now!

Did you know that people who live green are happier? They also have a more non-toxic life, and more time to spend on the important things in life. Find out how to live a simpler, greener life with this FREE ebook now! (Click the picture, or click here).

 live well, live green book

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free green living handbook “Live Well, Live Green” here.


  • Here’s how to have some ecofriendly fun!
  • Get rid of all the toxic products in your life (you’ll be shocked at where they hide!). It’s easy – see how here!


ecofriendly, environment, friends, green, happiness, optimism, optimistic, pessimist, pessimistic, relax, smile

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