Is Organic Milk Really Better?

Is Organic Milk really better than Regular Milk?


avoid food from factory farms for animal welfare reasons



If you’re concerned about health and the environment, you’ll normally want to buy organic products whenever possible.


milk or non dairy milk milk 1000 pouring from a bottle into a glassBut is organic milk better than normal or regular milk?

It’s an interesting question, and you may be surprised by the answer!

There’s plenty of research that says there is very little difference in the quality between organic milk and regular or conventionally-produced milk.  

But there are differences in the season of testing, the brand of milk tested, the treatment of the milk and the time between milking and analysis.  Different agricultural areas affect the chemical composition of milk, as do transport and storage.  And vested interests. 

So let’s leave those tests aside for the moment.


What is Organic Milk?

Organic milk is milk produced from cows which are not fed animal by-products, are allowed to graze, and are not given antibiotics or growth hormones. Hormones called rBGH or rBST make cows produce more milk for a longer time. These hormones are banned in many countries including several European countries.


How is It Treated?

Most milk is pasteurized – heated to kill harmful bacteria. Sadly, it also gets rid of some beneficial bacteria and minerals, as well as the ‘bad guys’.

For example, the enzyme phosphatase is destroyed – this enzyme helps the body to absorb calcium. You get less benefit from vitamins B1, B12, C and E after milk has been pasteurised. 

Organic milk may be pasteurized, or it may be UHT treated – heated to a higher temperature which basically kills everything in the milk. This makes it last longer.

Because organic milk is not available as easily as regular milk in the USA for example, it is often UHT treated to give it a longer shelf life, because it may need to be transported further.


So, Is Organic Milk Better?

milking machines for normal or organic milkFrom a nutritional point of view, if organic milk is UHT treated, then no, it’s no better than regular milk.

From the point of view of animal care, organic milk is superior.

Environmentally, organic milk is better.

You Might Not Like The Best Option!

If you want to get the best of all worlds – protect animals and the environment and optimise nutrition, then you’ll want to buy raw (non-pasteurized, non-homogenized, non-UHT) organic milk (if you can find it).  

It’s the way people used to drink milk.

Just be aware that

  • You’ll have the good bacteria as well as the bad in your milk.  
  • Raw milk contains more minerals and vitamins than pasteurized milk.
  • It also has 20 amino acids and contains beneficial enzymes.
  • It can be expensive
  • It’s milk in its natural form and provides the most health benefits.

Many people enjoy the extra flavour and say it builds up their immune system.

Spread the word about organic milk – sharing buttons below – thank you!

This article was originally written in 2014 and has been updated with new information.


is organic milk better, is organic milk safe, organic milk, pasteurized milk, raw milk, uht milk

  • We buy organic milk because I don’t want those hormones and antibiotics coursing through my stepdaughter’s body. My husband and I don’t drink milk at all, but she’ll drink a 1/2 gallon a day if she could. I would say it’s not that we want more out of organic products, we want less. Less toxic chemicals, less animal cruelty, less pharmaceuticals. Thanks for the post.

    • Hi Lisa, that’s a really good way of saying it, that we want less from organic produce (less toxins and cruelty), I like that!
      I think many of us also believe we get more nutrients from organic produce (which isn’t necessarily the case with organic milk) and I wrote the article to help people choose organic for the right reasons – which you have encapsulated perfectly, thank you!
      I see we both enjoy Small Footprint’s Meet & Greet Monday. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Lisa said it beautifully. I agree.

    Do either of you know of a down side to homogenization? I can’t find raw organic milk. But, I do have the option of non-homogenized (heterogeneous?) milk in either whole milk or 2% fat. Obviously, homogenization is not an issue for fat free (skimmed) milk.

    As an aside, another reason to buy organic products is, to put it bluntly, shit doesn’t explode. Cow pies are not made from fossil fuels. As such, they do not make good ingredients in bombs nor do they run the risk of accidental fertilizer plant explosions. I say this tangent only because my real concern is to reduce humanity’s destruction of the planet by all means. If we can get people to recognize that buying organic is actually also a matter of national and international security, perhaps that will help. Just a thought. If you agree, please spread the word.

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