Rolling Coal

“Rolling Coal” is Just Vile


Some people are anti-environment.

I understand.

“You want to protect some dumb frog and kill my job so I can’t feed my family”.

Of course, you could argue that self-interest will kill the planet and no one will have a job, but you can understand the point of view, even if you don’t necessarily agree with it.

We’re all different – if we were all the same, the world would be a very boring place!

However, there is one thing that I truly, cannot understand.

It’s called “Rolling Coal”.

Have you heard of it?

Diesel truck enthusiasts are intentionally spewing black smoke into the air as a form of political protest (or in some cases, vandalism or sheer nastiness).  “Coal rollers” can spend thousands of dollars altering their trucks to produce ever greater amounts of smoke.

rolling coal

It’s basically heavily-polluting soot, also known as “Prius repellent” in online videos and forums and on decals on trucks.

rolling coal prius

“You want clean air and a tiny carbon footprint? Well, screw you” is a common sentiment.

Its not only anti-green

However, it’s not only anti-environmentalists who enjoy rolling coal.

It appears to be a form of macho posturing too – in small towns across America it’s viewed as a fun activity – “just driving and blowing smoke and having a good time”.

It’s Fun

Rolling coal even has a renegade attraction to kids. A high school senior was interviewed and said “The other day I did it to this kid who was driving a Mustang with his windows down, and it was awesome.”

Rolling coal onto pedestrians is also viewed as fun.

rolling coal 3 trucks


Imagine driving behind one of these trucks and getting plumes of toxic fumes blasted at your windscreen. Apart from the pollution, you would be totally unable to see where you were going.

Yes, we all have differing viewpoints

But you don’t have to get vicious if you disagree.

I’m afraid I simply cannot understand rolling coal.

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 Images via Huffington Post


rolling coal

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