Strength Training Is Perfect for Anti-Aging

Why Strength Training Is SO Important as You Age


I’ve been thinking about it a bit more recently – which proves I’m getting older – ugh!

strength training for agingI’ve been thinking about aging. Did you know that when thinking about getting old, people fear the loss of independence more than death?

As you age, things that you used to be able to do with ease, become more difficult. It might be climbing the stairs, playing sport, going out and about and socializing, bathing or cooking your own food.

You might not want to be “a burden” to your friends or family. You might get frustrated and angry at not being able do things any more. You might find yourself housebound, unable to drive and relying on others for everything.

It’s not a nice thought.

So, is there anything you can do to help? After all, we can’t stop getting older.

Luckily, there’s one thing you can do that will make a big difference – and you can start it at any age (although of course, the earlier the better).

We all know that taking care of your health and staying active for as long as possible is really important in preventing decline.

But one aspect is really, really important, and that’s strength training. Here’s what it is, and why it’s so important.


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What Is Strength Training?

Strength training is exercise which uses resistance. You build up resistance by using weights to make your muscles work.

strength training weightsThe weight you use can be:

  • Dumbbells – or bottles of detergent, cans of food or anything you have at home that’s heavy enough to make your muscles work (they’re more green and ecofriendly than dumbbells because you’re not buying something new).
  • Your own bodyweight (e.g. exercises such as squats) (very green and ecofriendly – no equipment needed at all)
  • Resistance Bands
  • Exercise Machines (often in a gym or fitness centre)

(By the way, strength training does NOT mean you end up with huge muscles – it takes a LOT of very specialized work to get those!).

Why Strength Training Is So Helpful As You Age

Did you know that after you turn twenty, you lose 5 – 7 pounds (2 – 3 kg) of muscle every decade?

When you lose muscle, you have less strength for carrying out daily tasks such as grocery shopping, walking, cooking and cleaning.

But the great news is that you can maintain and even improve your physical condition with strength training.

If you develop a proper strength training routine, you can avoid muscle loss and build it instead. And this is possible, even if you are quite a few years past twenty and are only just getting started!

Other Benefits

The big benefit of strength training is, as discussed above, that it can help you to maintain your independence as you age.

strength training for osteoporosis as you ageBut there are also some nice side-effects too:

  • Strength training helps to prevent osteoporosis – a common malady as you age.
  • If you have high blood pressure, strength training often results in reducing it. This is because strength training makes the heart stronger and forces it to pump blood more efficiently. Blood pressure has a knock-on effect on many other areas of health, too.
  • Strength training will help you to be able to effectively burn more calories. This means that you will have much more success with shedding unwanted weight in the long term.

Some Tips for Starting a Strength Training Program

  • Always, always get advice from your doctor before you start.
  • Start with training two days a week with a day of rest in between. Then add a third day to challenge yourself.
  • You need to pay close attention to proper form when doing exercises. This way you will help to prevent injury by doing an exercise incorrectly.
  • Always keep in mind that when you are strength training it should never cause you pain. If you experience any pain, stop right away.

Strength Training Has Great Benefits As You Age

No matter what age you happen to be, it’s never too late to incorporate strength training into your fitness routine – you just need to be willing to adapt it according to your specific circumstances, and get the OK from your doctor.

By helping to make sure that your body stays strong, you will be helping to maintain your independence for many years to come.

Did you know that people who live green are happier? They also have a more non-toxic life, and more time to spend on the important things in life. Find out how to live a simpler, greener life with this FREE ebook now! (Click the picture, or click here).

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free green living handbook “Live Well, Live Green” here.



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