Tea Tree Oil Uses

Use Tea Tree Oil for Success with These!


tea tree oil comes from this treeTea Tree is one of my favourite essential oils – and it’s incredibly useful for a wide variety of natural remedies.

It is made from the twigs and leaves of the Australian Tea Tree or Melaleuca Tree, and is also known as Malaleuca Oil.

Use Tea Tree Oil to solve these common issues:

Cough, cold, congestion? Rub Tea Tree Oil on your chest. Drop a small amount of the oil on your pillow so that you’ll inhale it while you sleep.

Cold sores? Apply Tea Tree Oil directly onto the sore, 3 – 4 times a day. (Just make sure not to get any inside your mouth).

Cuts, sores, bites, stings? Rub Tea Tree Oil directly onto the wound; it’s Nature’s antiseptic.

Athlete’s Foot, fungus? Tea Tree Oil is a great fungicide. Soak feet in warm water with a few drops of the oil .

Bugs? Apply Tea Tree Oil to your skin to ward off fleas, mosquitoes and lice.

Dandruff? Add about 4 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil to a full bottle of very gentle, mild shampoo (preferably one with little fragrance), and use as normal. (Don’t put the oil directly on your scalp, it’s too strong.

Bad breath? Soak your dental floss in Tea Tree Oil , or mix a drop in with your toothpaste. Be sure not to swallow it.

Always store essential oil in glass, not plastic containers, and keep out of bright light.  Keep the oil cool, perhaps in the refrigerator. Keep the lid tightly closed as air reduces Tea Tree’s healing properties.

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essential oil, natural, natural remedies, remedies, safe, Tea Tree Oil

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