Top 10 Green Tips To Live By – Every Day

My Top 10 Best Eco Friendly, Green Tips



When people find out that I’m an environmentalist, they often say “oh!  Er…. well, I recycle”.

Which is great! But in fact, while recycling is good, there are plenty of other things you can do instead,  which will have a much bigger impact.

These are my favourite top 10 tips for living a greener life – they save you money, reduce pollution, improve your health, and help to slow climate change or global warming.

What’s not to love!

Top 10 Green Tips #1 – Hot Water


top 10 green tips hot waterHeating water uses a lot of energy. A great way to save energy (and therefore money) is to use a tankless water heater.  They heat water only on demand, so you don’t waste power keeping a full tank hot 24/7. Tankless water heaters only use energy when you run hot water.  They are green and eco friendly, and can supply your entire home or just certain faucets.

If you live in a suitable climate, consider solar water heating. Water is run through pipes on your roof, heated by the sun, then delivered to your faucets.

Also, if you’re building a new home or remodeling, consider if you truly need hot water to every tap. Perhaps you can save some money by having a cold water faucet only in some places.  Think about it – how often do you really need hot water at some taps?

Top 10 Green Tips #2 – Dishwasher


top 10 green tips dishwasherIf you use a dishwasher to wash your dishes, only run it when it is completely full. Why? Because it uses the same amount of water and energy, no matter how many dishes are inside it. Also, try to fit the most dishes into the machine – the User Manual will help by showing you the best layouts for dishes, or just place them in an orderly manner to maximize the available space. (It can probably hold more than you think!).

And of course, always use the eco or energy-saving setting – as well as using less water, it will also allow your dishes to air dry instead of using energy and heat to dry them.

The same things apply to a washing machine for laundry.

Related:  How to green your laundry routines.

Top 10 Green Tips #3 – Thaw in the Refrigerator


top 10 green tips fridge When you have some frozen food in your freezer that you want to thaw, plan ahead to allow extra time and thaw it in the refrigerator instead of in the open air. Why? Because it decreases your fridge’s temperature, so you use less energy to keep it cool  in there!

Also, try to position your fridge away from sunny windows and away fro your stove, again, to minimize the amount of heat it receives, so it take less energy to cool.

Top 10 Green Tips #4 – Vote With Your Wallet


top 10 green tips - buy green and localThere are still many companies who do not use green initiatives. Find out about companies in your local area, and look out on social media for information on global organizations.  Buy what you need to buy, from companies who have at least some green practices.

Being aware of what are doing, is powerful knowledge. It is important that all businesses are held accountable for their energy use and pollution, so as to encourage others to do the right thing by embracing green practices. Vote with your wallet by buying from green companies.

Buying local goods and food is also good for the environment – you avoid greenhouse gases from long transportation, and you’re supporting local people and businesses too.

Related: This useful app helps you every time you shop.

Top 10 Green Tips #5 – Consider Solar Power


Top 10 Green Tips solarSolar panels are a great way of reducing your dependency on the Grid, as well as saving money in the long term. Placing solar (photo-voltaic or PV) panels on your property provides electrical power from the sun to your home.

But there are some things you need to know first.

Related: What the Solar Companies won’t tell you

Before you talk with someone about installing solar panels, list all of your appliances and how many watts they take to run. This will allow the professional to give you a quote that is accurate.  Make sure they have a plan to keep the batteries close to the panels in order to minimise loss.

Do some research and learn about passive and active solar powers. Solar PV panels are active solar. Passive systems use the sun’s rays to store energy within the walls of your home and are significantly cheaper. Look up “Passiv Haus” or “passive house” – these are houses that are designed in such a way that they don’t need air conditioning, heating or cooling.

Top 10 Green Tips #6 – Air Conditioning


Air conditioning is very effective. But it can be bad for your health, the environment – and your wallet! If you do use aircon, turn it up in summer by 5 degrees F (2 or 3 C) to save energy. This can cut your cooling costs by up to one-fifth. And here are some easy ways to green your air conditioning.

You can reduce the usage of AC and still stay cool –see How To Create Cooling Breezeways in Your Home.

Top 10 Green Tips #7 – Food


Food in Season - MeatWe all need food. To be green and eco-friendly, reduce the amount of meat – especially beef – that you eat. Beef has one of the highest “carbon footprints” of all meats. Most beef (and nearly all the beef used in fast food) comes from factory farms, which are terrible for the environment and horrible for the animals who live on them.

Related: Factory Farms – pros and cons

Find out how to avoid food from factory farms.

You don’t need to go vegetarian or vegan (if you don’t want to), but reducing your meat intake will have a significant impact on the environment.

Reducing food waste – and using the dates on food correctly (they can be confusing!) – can save you a lot of money, and it’s very green too.

Related: Understanding those pesky food expiry dates (fun, short video)

Related: How to reduce food waste at home.

Eating food in season also helps the environment. Food that is in season is more abundant, cheaper, and it tastes better too because it hasn’t been force-grown or transported a long way.

Top 10 Green Tips #8 – Flying


top 10 green tips - trains not planesFlying is lousy for the environment. Sometimes, alternatives may be more interesting. Consider for example, the waiting times at airports, the security queues, the cramped conditions on board (often with no view)……

But high-speed trains have almost no waiting times, there’s room to move around, lots of scenery on the way……and your total travel time might even be similar when you eliminate the waiting times!

Download a free cheat sheet on flying here!

Related: Why it’s OK to fly – sometimes.

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Top 10 Green Tips #9 – Storm Doors


Most green tips will tell you to insulate your home well, to keep it cooler in summer and warmer in winter –  and they’re right!

However, there’s one problem with a well-insulated house, and that’s a lack of fresh air.

A storm door is an additional door placed outside an existing external door. It operates independently – i.e. one can be open while the other is closed. Storm windows and storm doors reduce the amount of cold air entering the home in the form of drafts, and they can significantly reduce your energy bills.

Homes with storm doors and windows also have better airflow than homes without these upgrades. Good airflow is important for good health.

Top 10 Green Tips #10 – Ditch the Disposables


Disposable items are a massive problem for the environment. They take resources and create pollution to manufacture, package and transport. Then they are only used once and promptly discarded. Hardly any are recycled, they create litter, and they add enormously to landfills.

Instead of disposable coffee cups, water bottles, take out food containers, food packaging and wrapping, bring your own reusable containers.

There are so many ways to  avoid disposable items once you start looking. If you have airconditioning, ask about a reusuable filter (which just needs to be cleaned in its annual service) instead of a throw-away. Disposable diapers or nappies are very convenient but don’t use them all the time – bamboo reusable diapers are safer for baby as they don’t have chemicals. Look around you  and you’ll see plenty of opportunity for change.

Related: How to reduce or eliminate your use of paper towel

Related: Easy Ways to re-use – everything!



Water is a hugely precious substance  – we can’t live without it. Many of the top 10 green tips listed above, help to conserve water by using less in equipment such dishwasher and laundry machines. Energy (electricity) pollutes badly when it’s being made, so it makes sense to use less of it (and that saves you money too).

We all need food, and  we can choose food items that are better for the environment, while still enjoying delicious meals. Companies who ‘go green’ should be rewarded, so buy from them instead of companies that don’t care about how much they pollute.

The ways you use transportation have a big impact, so stop and think before you assume that flying is the best way to get to your destination – it may be, but there might just be (more pleasant) alternatives.

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Do you have favorite tips that I haven’t listed? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download “Live Well, Live Green” for FREE here!



conserve energy, conserve water, ecofriendly, environment, Flying, green tips, laundry, top 10 green tips, transport

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