Ugh. 1/3 of Fast Food Packaging is Toxic


Nasty Chemicals in Common Packaging of Fast Food



We all know that fast food is not healthy. But it seems it’s even worse for us than we thought!  Read on to find out what the problem is – and what you can do about it!

fast food packaging is toxicWhen you buy fast food, you don’t want the packaging going all soggy and leaking oil. So, manufacturers add synthetic chemicals to the wrapping that resist heat and grease.

But these chemicals, known as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), can leak into food, a new study shows.

And – scarily – these fluorinated chemicals have been found in almost every American who has been tested for them, as well as in polar bears, a previous study showed. (In case you’re wondering, no, polar bears do not eat fast food, it’s just that the chemicals persist in the environment  – and that’s definitely not green and ecofriendly).

You may have heard of PFAS before – they’re used in non-stick cookware. If heated to very high temperatures, it is thought that they may cause a variety of health issues including thyroid disease, delayed puberty and infertility.

The PFAS in fast food packaging are more likely to leach into food when the food is hot or oily – and most fast food is sold hot.

What The Study Shows

fast food packaging - one third is toxicFor this new study, researchers collected more than 400 samples of paper and cardboard fast food packaging and  wrappers at U.S. fast-food restaurants.

They found that 46 percent of the “food contact papers” and 20 percent of the “paperboard samples” contained PFAS.

The fast food packaging most likely to contain the synthetic chemicals is from Tex-Mex food and dessert and bread wrappers. (Although not part of this study, PFAS are also very prevalent in microwave popcorn bags.)

These chemicals were supposed to be phased out of American food packaging by 2015. But the chemicals they are being replaced with “have not been shown to be safe for human health”

In addition, a lot of the food packaging is imported from China, where PFAS are still allowed.

Children At Risk From Fast Food Packaging

Children are especially at risk because their developing bodies are more vulnerable to toxic chemicals.

2015 study found that more than one-third of US kids and teens eat fast food every day.

Environment At Risk

In addition to being bad for human health, these chemicals are bad for the environment. They end up in landfills and may even end up in compost piles because they are added to compostable containers.

So, what can you do?

Well, you can’t tell just by looking if the packaging contains PFAS. However, you can try to reduce your exposure.

Because PFASs are most commonly found in food contact papers (the papers that touch the food directly), you can:

  • Take the food out of its packaging sooner rather than later
  • Ask that your fries or dessert be served in a paper cup, or in a non-contact paper bag (the outer bag all your items are usually put into when you get your food).
  • Put pressure on your favourite fast food chains to switch to packaging that doesn’t contain fluorinated chemicals.
  • And of course, best of all, eat more fresh food and more home-cooked meals.

Without doubt, fast food is convenient, but with proper planning, home cooking is easy – and far healthier.

Clean eating is a fabulous way to make sure you get the best out of your food – and “Clean Eating – the Lazy Way” will show you how to make it really easy! Clean Eating to avoid fast food packaging

If you really needed another reason to stop eating fast food (or at least make it an occasional treat), this toxic fast food packaging could be just the reason you’ve been looking for.

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What do you think about fast food packaging being toxic? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free climate change report here!



clean eating, environment, fast food, fast food packaging, food, green ecofriendly, toxic, toxic fast food, toxic fast food packaging

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