Your Work – Life Balance

It’s Interesting How Thoughts on Work – Life Balance Have Changed!



If aerobics not yoga for work - life balanceI think back to the late 70s and 80s, no one seemed interested in Yoga. Aerobics were all the rage – Jane Fonda looked great and she ruled the fitness world! Yoga seemed to be only for spiritual stuff – definitely not for health and fitness. It was w-a-y too slow!

But now we realize that, while aerobics certainly have their place, Yoga is great for your health too. And it’s especially good for stress. In fact, it’s perfect if you want to regain that balance between your working and your personal life. (So much so that many large corporations offer yoga classes for their employees to help their work – life balance).

reduce stress with yoga for work - life balanceYoga is s-l-o-w and relaxing – although it needs practice to do it right. It’s gentle on your joints, and great for anyone suffering from debilitating pain or other medical conditions.

Other more strenuous exercise methods have been responsible for people suffering from bad knees, joint and back pain. Many doctors are now referring them to yoga classes for treatment. Yoga is great for healing!

And of course, so many of us want more natural, gentle exercise methods to support our work – life balance.

(continued below….)

Feeling Stressed?


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Just take a minute and think about your lifestyle right now. Do you get up in the morning and rush around getting ready for work? Then rush home at night, look after your kids and try to get some chores done? At the end of the day you fall into bed exhausted – but it’s difficult to sleep properly!

Yoga can be a way for you to learn how to de-stress your lifestyle and make you feel great about yourself again

Yoga is proven to reduce stress levels, as well as blood pressure – with heart disease on the rise this is welcome news.

Many doctors have seen the benefits of yoga when it comes to dealing with stress. Stress issues account for almost 80% of doctor visits in the U.S. alone! But Yoga is proving to be a good, cost-effective way to treat stress and many other medical conditions.

It’s easy to get started with Yoga – the Internet is full of great videos or you can attend classes in your area. Or get started easily with the 5-day Yoga to De-Stress Challenge (it’s free).

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What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to join the 5-day Yoga to De-Stress Challenge –  it’s fun! You’ll be glad you did.  Click here to join – it’s FREE!


aerobics, stress, work life balance, yoga, yoga for stress, yoga to destress

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