Pregnant? Worry About Air Pollution

We Know It’s Bad. But If You’re Pregnant, You Really Should Worry About Air Pollution


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There just isn’t a good side to air pollution. A slew of recent reports show the devastating consequences of dirty air – but if you’re pregnant, it’s even worse. Here’s why you need to worry about air  pollution.

What We Already Know About Air Pollution

  1. A massive global review showed that air pollution may be damaging every organ and virtually every cell in the human body. I don’t know about you, but I always thought that air pollution was a problem for our lungs. Now we know that it gets everywhere, absolutely everywhere, in our bodies.
  2. Toxic nanoparticles from air pollution have been discovered in human brains in “abundant” quantities, This has serious implications for degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, and also for reduced intelligence.
  3. Literally billions of nanoparticles have been found in the hearts of young city dwellers.

But Some Cities Are Cleaning Up!

Yes, it’s absolutely true that many cities are making huge improvements and reducing their air pollution, for example, by switching to electric vehicles.

But now we know that we are harmed even by low levels of pollution.

Plus, 90% of the world’s population live in places where air pollution is above World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.

So yes, we should be worried. But why should you worry about air pollution even more, if you are pregnant?


If You’re Pregnant, It’s Really Important

We’ve known for some time that dirty air is linked to increased miscarriages, premature births and low birth weights. It was thought that this was due to inflammation due to air pollution. But now it seems that the pollutant particles may also be the cause.

worry about air pollution if pregnantNow, air pollution particles have been found on the foetal side of placentas. This is very significant, because it means that unborn babies are directly exposed to the air pollution that is breathed in by the mother. The research found thousands of the tiny particles in every placenta analysed.

And here’s the thing. A baby in the womb is so, so vulnerable. All the organs are being developed – it’s a truly critical time. We need to keep pollution out of the womb!

But How Can You Reduce Air Pollution?

Obviously, governments have the responsibility of cutting air pollution. But there are steps you can take too.

For example, mothers-to-be who live near main roads or highways have DOUBLE the amount of toxic nanoparticles of women who lived further away.  So, try to avoid busy roads when possible.

vehicle emissions standards slashed - air pollution from trafficOf course, you can’t stop breathing! But the difference of just  few meters or yards is significant. So if you’re walking, keep as far away from the road as possible. If you drive, make sure your car’s air filters are cleaned regularly.

And pollution doesn’t only come from traffic. It’s also from burning fossil fuels for energy – for air conditioning and heating, for plastic products, and for the constant purchasing that consumerism drives.

Hmmm. That gas-guzzling SUV, that latest gadget, is no longer quite so attractive, is it?

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  1. Start making a difference today – download your FREE report on the 3 big things that you can do to help slow climate change. (Spoiler alert:- recycling is great, but it won’t make a big difference).

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free climate change report here!


air pollution, air pollution when pregnant, climate change, global warming, reduce air pollution when pregnant, worry about air pollution

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