Yoga for Weight Loss – Wow!

Consider Yoga for Weight Loss Too


yoga for weight loss We all know that yoga is great for our health, and it’s very green and eco friendly, but have you ever considered yoga for weight loss?

Yes, this no-strain workout that allows everyone to work at their own level, can have profound effects for weight loss!

Don’t get me wrong. Yoga does not burn calories at the rate that other cardio workouts do. But it is still an effective and viable weight loss option.

Many personal trainers and fitness experts agree.

Studies Confirm Yoga For Weight Loss

A study headed by Yogi Alan Kristal, DPH, MPH in 2005 found that out of 15,500 middle-aged men and women who were tracked over a 5 year period, those who did Yoga for just 30 minutes per week lost 4 pounds over those who did not.

(In fact, those who didn’t do yoga actually gained 14 pounds each on average). For the purposes of the study influencing factors such as diet and other exercise were weeded out.

There any many reasons why yoga is so effective for weight loss, but one of the biggest reasons is due to the mind-body connection.

The Mind-Body Connection of Yoga for Weight Loss

yoga for weight loss - the mindYoga, unlike other workouts, includes breathing as a focal point, and complete integration of mindfulness with physical movement.

This practice of mindfulness does not go away when you leave the yoga mat. With regular practice it stays with you and affects all parts of your life.

This intense focus makes you pay more attention to your body – and that includes what you eat. Yoga in general yields a high level of body awareness.

The mind is really what controls everything we do, and yoga can help to change negative habits.

It can help you to tell the difference between boredom and real hunger, working to alleviate emotional overeating and binge eating as well.

Yoga makes you pay attention and think in a whole new way.

A study published in the Journal of Qualitative Health Research showed that binge-eating was reduced after practicing yoga for only 12 weeks. This was achieved through the development of “present-moment awareness”, which resulted in participants eating less.

Also, since yoga promotes relaxation, and greatly decreases stress and anxiety, it can go a long way to curbing overeating and emotional eating.

I hadn’t thought about the mind-body connection of yoga for weight loss, but it makes perfect sense, and the study results bear it out.

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eco friendly, exercise, green, mind body connection, yoga, yoga for weight loss

  • I’ve practiced yoga since I was 14. When I first started it was with weight loss in mind and a way to change up my fitness routine. While I didn’t notice any weight loss as a result I did find that my body moved easier, I was less injury prone and loved the slow movements so much I have stuck with it for decades.

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