Alzheimers Disease – A Natural Approach for Sufferers and Carers


New Hope for Alzheimers With Natural Options


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Graphic via iStock

The number of people with Alzheimer’s Disease (which I’ll now call simply Alzheimers to keep it simple) seems to be increasing around the world.  It affects more than half of people over the age of 85, and is the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S.

But the good news is that there are safe, natural ways to help prevent the disease, and help reduce the symptoms for sufferers.

So, let’s look briefly as what it is, and how best to prevent and treat it naturally i.e. without drugs. And we’ll also offer some tips for carers, who have a tough time.

What is Alzheimers?

Alzheimers is a form of dementia, and it’s a degenerative disease, meaning it gets worse over time.

Symptoms include memory loss, confusion of time and day, getting lost in familiar places, or trouble with learning and processing new information.

Sufferers may also experience mood swings and personality changes. Seemingly strange or odd behaviours may occur, like withdrawing from family or paranoid episodes.

It may be difficult for a person with Alzheimers to carry out daily routines – this can cause huge frustration for the sufferer, who may have difficulty expressing themselves and act out of frustration.

Natural Prevention and Symptom Reduction

Natural methods don’t have side effects so they are healthier, and they’re better for the environment too.

2016 was quite a landmark year for Alzheimers as many studies offered new hope for natural ways to cope with the disease.

The 2 big breakthroughs were to do with food and exercise.

We tend to think of the food we eat affecting our bodies, but often forget that it has a massive impact on our brains too.

It was about 400 B.C. (yes, that’s a LONG time ago) when Hippocrates said that we should prevent and treat diseases firstly by eating nutritious foods. It seems that modern science is catching up now.

In 2016 scientists found that the Mediterranean diet seems to be protective against Alzheimer’s disease (1). This study is one of the first to demonstrate how lifestyle directly influences memory loss in those who have not yet been diagnosed with dementia. Healthy lifestyle choices also show lower rates of atrophy in people with Alzheimer’s.

What’s the Mediterranean Diet? It’s a diet full of healthy whole foods, and no processed or fast foods.  You would eat:

  • Mediterranean diet vegetables for AlzheimersLots of fresh fruits and vegetables – especially leafy greens like spinach and kale, as well as eggplant, cauliflower, artichokes, tomatoes and fennel
  • Whole grains
  • Wild-caught fish and seafood (about twice a week)
  • High-quality dairy products such as poultry, eggs, cheese, goats milk, and probiotic-rich kefir or yogurt. Buy full fat (so they’re less processed), and eat in moderation
  • Quality olive oil
  • Whole raw nuts and seeds (think tahini)
  • Legumes and beans (think yummy hummus)
  • Herbs and spices
  • Lean red meat (about once a week)
  • Plenty of fresh water and some coffee or tea
  • If you wish, a daily glass of red wine

You’ll find tons of information online about the Mediterranean diet.

 Fresh juices and smoothies can be a great way to get more vegetables into your diet. Click the pictures below to download either (or both!) of these these FREE eBooks!

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The second breakthrough was about exercise – although it wasn’t a surprise, it’s great to have studies showing its importance.

Those who were more physically active on a regular basis had a much lower risk of developing Alzheimers, according to the  same UCLA-led study.

The jury’s out on which type of exercise is best – so just focus on any physical activity that you enjoy, and get into a healthy weight range.

Other Natural Options

There are some other new findings which have a bearing on Alzheimers.

  1. Interestingly, there’s some evidence that the job you do can pre-dispose you to (or protect you from) Alzheimers. Humans are social creatures, and working directly with other people instead of primarily with data or things seems to offer protection against Alzheimer’s.
  2. Scientists from Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute found that those who worked closely with people in complex work situations (e.g. teachers, doctors) were able to tolerate brain damage better than those who worked in more isolated settings.
  3. Marijuana may help.
  4. And certain medications may cause problems – popular sleep and allergy meds such as Benadryl, Dramamine, Advil PM and Unison, among others, may link to dementia.
  5. And one of the more unusual findings is that sleep positions may influence the onset of dementia. Sleeping on your side improves one of the brain’s waste-clearing processes, lowering the risk for neurological diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinson’s.

Caring for Someone With Alzheimers

If you care for someone with Alzheimers, you will need support and assistance – it’s a financially and emotionally draining task.

In the early stages of the disease, you need to make the home safe for the sufferer. You may need to monitoring behaviour and constantly check appliances.

You should start to plan for the future by handling all financial and final affairs while the sufferer is still able to think clearly and make some decisions.

Once driving privileges are revoked, they may need additional attention with dealing with immobility, getting groceries and other necessities. Behavioural problems may increase, needing more time and emotional input from you.

Keeping the sufferer active by working on tasks that are easily completed, and providing a safe environment under careful supervision is the best way to ensure that they can still enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

It’s important not to give up hope. Make their quality of life good while maintaining your own health. Don’t try to shoulder all of the responsibility by yourself – enlist the help of family, friends, and professionals.

Get information and support from your doctor about local support groups , and read up online for additional information.


I think it’s wonderful that such a tragic disease can be helped – and perhaps even prevented – by healthy eating and enough exercise. We really are what we eat!

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Do you know someone with Alzheimers? Do you think these natural solutions could help?

Warm regards,

signature Clare




(1) A UCLA study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that the Mediterranean diet helps to keep the brain from developing the toxic plaques and tangles associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease.


alzheimers, ecofriendly, green, health, natural, natural treatment for alzheimers, nutrition

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