BBC Climate Change Coverage Will Change

They Admit They Have Not Reported Climate Change Well. Now, BBC Climate Change Coverage Will Be Different – and Better


BBC climate change coverage will change

September 2018

I rely on the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) for news coverage. After I left Ireland and the UK, I found they reported well on global events, and always tried to be fair, giving many sides of a story and leaving the viewer or reader to make up their own minds. I much prefer that format, to news coverage which promotes a particular point of view.

However, I have long been unhappy with BBC climate change coverage. Sometimes, they would give climate deniers equal coverage with climate scientists. They wanted to be “fair” but in  this case, it was wrong, because it led viewers to believe that there was still a debate about man-made climate change. And there isn’t.

Is There No Debate About Climate Change?

BBC climate change news on TVThere certainly is a debate – on how to tackle man-made climate change. But on whether climate change is happening and is caused by our emissions and lifestyles, no, there is no debate. It is scientifically proved.

So I’m very happy to report that the BBC have now issued new editorial guidelines to their staff. They will no longer give deniers equal coverage. They liken it to a sports match. If the final score is 3-0, then that is is a fact, and you don’t interview someone who says it was a draw. (I quite like that analogy!).

BBC Climate Change Coverage Will Change

BBC climate change coverage has been problematic in the past. But now they have admitted to their mistakes.

In a policy statement the BBC says “Climate change has been a difficult subject for the BBC, and we get coverage of it wrong too often.”

They told staff that they can still be impartial by accepting the science, but fairly debating the options for dealing with climate chaos that is already happening globally.

A briefing note to staff is blunt:- “Climate change IS happening.” It also covers the implications of global warming: “There is a general consensus that it could be devastating in many different ways.”

I’m delighted!

climate change report cover


Start making a difference today – download your FREE report on the 3 big things that you can do to help slow climate change. (Spoiler alert:- recycling is great, but it won’t make a big difference).

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How do your favourite news sources cover climate change? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free climate change report here!



BBC, BBC climate change coverage, British Broadcasting Corporation, climate change, climate change coverage, Climate Change News, covering climate change on the news, fairness in news reporting, global warming, Green News, news broadcasters, news coverage of climate change

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