The Best Pre-Workout Smoothies and Juices


Exercising? Get the Most Benefit with These Pre-Workout Smoothies and Juices


best pre-workout smoothies and juices for exercise

Exercising is GREAT for your health – so doesn’t it just make sense to be able to work out harder or longer – and not feel exhausted? Juices and smoothies are a great way to get your body pumped and primed for a rewarding, energetic workout session.

Pre-workout smoothies and juices cram loads of essential nutrients into one glass that will power your workout and improve your results.

Why Not Buy Energy Drinks or Bars?

Yes, energy bars and drinks are convenient, but they often contain added sugar and unhealthy additives.

Making your own pre-workout smoothies and juices means you have total control over the ingredients, so you know you’re getting the very best nutrition.

An 8-ounce (230ml) glass of vegetable juice is like eating 2 large salads (without the dressing) – but the juice is a lot more enjoyable, and much quicker and easier to consume.

Timing is Important

Of course you know that what you eat is important. Eating lots of junk food leaves you feeling tired and listless. More healthy eating makes you feel better.

But as well as what you eat, you also need to consider when you eat it, in order to get the most from exercise.

If you drink the right nutrient-rich juice an hour or two before exercise, and then follow it up with another juice an hour or two after your exercise, you’re pretty much meeting all your workout nutrition needs.

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Key Ingredients for a Pre-Workout Juice or Smoothie

What ingredients should you use? Any vegetable juice is helpful. But always try to include these key ingredients –

  • spinach for Pre-workout smoothies and juicesThe most important ingredients for a pre-workout juice or smoothie are leafy greens. Kale, spinach and broccoli will provide calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and B-vitamins.
  • Beets or beetroots are used by elite athletes to give them an edge.
  • Add guava if you want to increase your vitamin C and potassium
  • Sunflower seeds provide vitamin E and healthy fats. (Sprinkle them whole on top of your drink, or grind them and add to the mixture).
  • Berries and spinach provide iron to keep your energy high.

High Energy Recipes for Pre-Workout Smoothies and Juices

If you have a juicer, some people prefer to drink juices before their workout.

But you can use these same recipes to make smoothies instead! Just add water, coconut water, freshly-squeezed orange juice or unsweetened milk of your choice for liquid.

Magnesium Magic

  • Large Handful Of Parsley
  • 3 leaves of chard
  • 1 cup (175g) watermelon, chopped, skin removed
  • 4 carrots
  • 1 peach
  • 2 celery stalks including the leafy tops
  • 1 lemon

Beet Power Juice

  • 3 carrots
  • 3 kale leaves
  • 1 Beet Including Leafy Tops
  • 1” (2 cm) Piece of Fresh Ginger
  • 1 Garlic Clove
  • 1 Lime
  • ½ Grapefruit

Energy Blast Juice

  • 3 Beets
  • 2 Large Carrots
  • 2 Green Apples
  • 2″ (5 cm) Piece of Fresh Ginger
  • 1/4 Lemon
  • 1/4 Lime

Or make up your own juices or smoothies using the key ingredients listed above. Add a couple of berries for sweetness. Or add ½ a banana if you want a creamy smoothie.

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE recipes for yummy smoothies that will keep you feeling full!  Click here.  


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