Covid-19 Tips – Are You Safe Outside? Best Way to Dry Hands


Useful Covid-19 Tips:- Are You Safe From CoronaVirus When You’re Outside? What is the Best Way to Dry Your Hands?

covid-19 are you safe outdoors


Are you safe outside? It’s absolutely true that you are safer (i.e. less likely to catch Covid-19) when you’re outside than when you’re indoors.

However, that doesn’t mean you are actually SAFE.

Although scientists are still learning about the CoronaVirus, the most common way to catch Covid-19 is from person-to-person infection, through airborne droplets.

Obviously, if someone coughs or sneezes near you, that’s not good. But the important thing to know is that someone who is infected could just breathe or talk normally, and they will release little droplets into the air. Those droplets may remain in the air and last for hours.

Many people have the disease but do not get symptoms, so they can easily pass on Covid-19 without realizing.

The good news is that those droplets are diluted more outdoors than indoors. And some viruses are wiped out in sunlight.

However, if you’re outdoors and sitting next to someone for several hours, then you’re at risk.

are you safe outside? You're safer if you wear a maskLuckily, there’s an easy way of reducing your risk. Wear a mask.

In some countries, wearing a mask (or not) has become politicized, which is a terrible shame. After all, it’s a Health issue, not a Political issue.

A mask does not block everything, but it definitely helps. In fact, it’s one of the most important things you can do, to help stop the spread of Covid-19. Together with social distancing.

Next:- what is the best way to dry your hands?


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The Best Way To Dry Your Hands

By now we all know how important it is to wash your hands regularly. But drying your hands is also important. At home, you have nice towels. But when you’re out, sometimes the choice is a hot air dryer or paper towels.

Neither option is eco-friendly. Air dryers use a lot of electricity, which comes mostly from fossil fuels. Paper towels are single-use disposables.

But when it comes to spreading Covid-19, paper towels are definitely better, because they are more hygienic than air dryers. However, be sure to dispose of them properly inside bins, so that cleaning staff aren’t at risk of picking up an infection from used towels.


Are you safe outside? You are safer outside than indoors, but crowded spaces outdoors are very risky. To reduce your risk, always wear a face mask or face covering when you are with other people. Make sure the masks are clean.

Washing your hands properly for 20 seconds is also very important, but be sure to dry them well also. If you are out, use paper towels rather than hot air dryers, to reduce your risk.

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




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