5 Decorating Ideas for Summer – Low Cost & EcoFriendly

You’ll Love These 5 EcoFriendly Home Decorating Ideas for Summer!


This is a Guest Post by Christopher Austin

eco friendly home decorating ideas - living room

Summer is that time of the year when we feel the need to relax, and simplify our lives, our homes, our wardrobe, our schedules and more. As far as interior décor is concerned, in the summer we want to make our homes look as simple and as laid-back as possible.

To make your private space exude comfort, and make you feel like you’re sitting in the most Zen-like, breezy beach house, check out the following 5 low-cost and environmentally-friendly décor ideas.


Home Decorating Ideas #1: Bold Colors on the Walls

Most homeowners don’t do anything with the walls of their homes because they assume that a light beige or ivory shade is easier to match with the furniture.  However, a bold wall with stripes or patterns can have quite the impact too. Aqua blue, tangerine, and coral are this season’s hottest new trends in coloring home walls.

If you don’t want to change the color, you can go for a striking wallpaper. This way, if you get bored you can easily remove it. Wallpaper is conveniently-priced and many are eco-friendly too. Steer clear of those coated with PVC and avoid using toxic glue to fix the wallpaper on to the wall. Clay coating is the best because it is durable and sustainable.


Home Decorating Ideas #2: Seaside inspiration

Decorating Ideas - BeachGive your home a seaside allure with recycled accessories such as painted empty bottles, bottled-sand, and all sorts of custom paintings with a costal vibe inside and out.

As far as color is concerned, it’s best to keep things fresh and airy. Shades of light blue and white are the best. Dry flowers can also be added to the mix, as well as interesting throw pillows with stripes and zig-zags. The options are endless, and there’s really no need to invest a fortune to change your home’s appeal from earthy to coastal-like décor.


Home Decorating Ideas #3: Cork Rugs

Cork is a very malleable material that can be bought at extremely convenient prices from any hardware store. (Or be even more eco-friendly –  drink lots of wine and keep the corks from the bottles!). They can be used to make the most interesting and unusual rugs, either for your living room, hallway or bathroom. If you don’t like the natural color, you can easily change it with non-toxic paint.

A cork rug is very soft; it doesn’t accumulate mold, and it matches perfectly with any home design. In the summer, a cork rug on the veranda might be just what you need to revamp the décor and make it stand out.

ecofriendly home decorating ideas - kitchen with plants

Home Decorating Ideas #4: Plant Life

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to go green and ecofriendly in your home is by adding as many plants as possible. Use seasonal pots in the kitchen – rosemary, thyme, kale, dill, lime, and basil are just some options you can go for. These should be planted near a window.

Use the cutest pots made of sustainable or recycled material, and give your home a fresh, summary vibe without breaking the bank. Plants can dramatically change the vibe and atmosphere of your cooking area, not to mention that they can be used – either dry or in natural condition – when preparing meals.

For the living area, you might want to choose larger plants. Yucca, bonsai, and cactus are just some options you can consider.


Home Decorating Ideas #5: Green Décor Elements

Regardless of your style, there’s no need to transform your home into jungle to make it greener. An excellent eco-friendly home design is better described as a design that needs no explanation.

For example, if you’re crazy about the Shabby Chic trend and you want to invest in a new coffee table in the living area, it might be a good idea to steer clear of conventional stores. Instead, explore local thrift shops, flea markets, and wood salvage yards. You’ll be surprised at you want you can find in these places without spending a fortune.


Less Is More!

Whether you just want to spice things up  in your home and give it a summery vibe with an eco twist, or you you can afford to buy designer fabrics, it’s all up to you.

But whatever you do, just keep the following in mind:- less is more.

Steer clear of over-accessorizing and choose one dominant color for your space to create balance.

 Author Bio: Christopher Austin has a great interest in home décor and loves to decorate his home in new and different ways. He keeps sharing his ideas and latest trends in interior designing through his articles.

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Warm regards,

signature Clare






  • See how organic home decor can make your home breathe freshness!
  • Get rid of all the toxic products in your life (you’ll be shocked at where they hide!). It’s easy – see how here!


decorating ideas, ecofriendly, ecofriendly home decorating ideas, green, home, home decor, home decoration, house, non toxic, recycled, summer

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