Dehydration Symptoms Explained

Are You Dehydrated? Find Out With These Dehydration Symptoms


It’s very easy to suffer from dehydration symptoms.

You have probably heard that about 60% of your body is made up of water.

Infants are about 70% water. Muscles contain about 75% water.

That is why it is so important to stay hydrated.

(Or, as I saw on Facebook):

dehydration symptoms - cucumber

Your body needs to continually take on water to function properly.

And it’s not just your physical health. Dehydration symptoms can affect your mental health as well.

Let’s look at some dehydration symptoms so that you can recognise them.

Common Dehydration Symptoms

These are common dehydration symptoms in teens and adults:

  • Unnaturally dry skin
  • Few tears when you cry
  • Fever
  • Muscle cramps
  • You are tired all the time
  • Bags under your eyes
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid breathing
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Dry, sticky mouth
  • You are thirsty all the time

If you or a loved one have any of these symptoms, mild to severe dehydration may be the cause.

Causes of Dehydration Symptoms

dehydration symptoms - exercise gymSome causes of dehydration make a lot of sense, like intense physical activity.

You sweat out a lot of the water in your body, and if you do not replace that liquid, you can become dehydrated.

Here are a few more reasons your body may not be properly hydrated.

  • Diabetes
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Alcohol poisoning
  • Food-borne illnesses
  • Frequent urination
  • Side effects of medicine
  • You don’t drink enough water

When you have diarrhea, your body does not properly absorb water from the foods you eat. This is the most common cause of dehydration.

Blood pressure medications and antihistamines can also create a lack of hydration in some people.

Problems can arise quickly when you don’t supply your body with the water it needs to function properly.

Drinking Water But Still Have Dehydration Symptoms?

You may drink plenty of water and still find yourself with several of the dehydration symptoms mentioned above. This could be a case of adrenal fatigue.

If you drink plenty of water throughout the day and are still thirsty, with cravings for salt and sugar, you may want to have an adrenal check-up.

Are there Health Issues with Dehydration Symptoms?

If you suffer dehydration symptoms, you are at risk for the following:

  • Dangerous cholesterol levels
  • liver and joint damage
  • weak muscles
  • kidney stones
  • constipation

These are just a few of the health conditions that dehydration can cause.

How to Avoid Dehydration Symptoms

dehydration symptoms - waterDehydration can be a life-threatening condition.

Most of the time you can combat this potential health problem simply by drinking water frequently throughout the day.

Any lost liquids in your body need to be replaced, so drink water while you exercise, or exert yourself physically.

You may wish to carry water with you in a re-usable bottle as you move through your daily routine.

 Sports drinks, energy drinks and sodas do NOT count!

How Much Water?

Everyone is different.

If your friend drinks a gallon of water every day, it doesn’t mean you need to.

There is a new school of thought that says we can in fact drink too much water, while others say we can never have too much.

Certainly, we should all drink more water than any other beverage.

When you listen to your body, it will tell you when it’s properly hydrated.

 Probably, most of us should drink more water than we do.

Don’t Buy Bottled Water!

dehydration symptoms - do not buy water in Plastic BottleBut whatever else you do, do NOT buy bottled water.

Apart from making fat profits for uncaring corporations, bottled water is lousy for the environment.

Be green and eco friendly, reduce your carbon footprint, and drink tap water. Your tap water is beautifully inexpensive and is piped to your home – it’s incredibly convenient.

If you don’t like the taste of your water, get a water filter (there are many different types to fit all budgets – see how to choose the best one here).

Don’t Forget Juices and Smoothies (the right type!)

dehydration symptoms - fresh fruitFresh juices and smoothies, when they’re made mostly from fresh vegetables, will also help to hydrate you.

Always make your own (they’re quick and easy) so you know exactly what goes into them. (Many store-bought drinks have sugar syrup and other things added to them).

Green juices and smoothies are generally the healthiest and the best for hydration. (If you don’t like the taste of green drinks, click here).

Healthy juices and smoothies are a great way to add variety to your beverages throughout the day – but you still need to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration symptoms.

Avoid Dehydration Symptoms with Clean Eating

When you eat good, healthy food – especially when you follow Clean Eating principles – you also get some hydration from your food. (Of course, you still need to drink water every day, but it’s nice to know you’re getting that little extra from your food too).

Click here to find out more about Clean Eating – the LAZY Way! (And use coupon code 616 for a great discount).

From head to toe, inside and out, and even mentally, your body benefits from a healthy supply of water. Drink more water now!

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S. This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice. Always consult a professional medical practitioner.

P.P.S. Please spread the word about dehydration – many people are dehydrated today and don’t realize it. Sharing buttons below and right – it’s quick and easy.


are you dehydrated, avoid dehydration, causes of dehydration, dehydrated, dehydration, dehydration symptoms, drink water, eco, eco friendly, green, health, medical, water

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