Eco-Friendly Office Building – A World First!

Eco-Friendly Office Building – The First in the World is in South Korea

June 2011

zero carbon office building s koreaSouth Korean officials are showcasing the world’s first zero-carbon business building, located in Incheon, near the capital, Seoul.

The 2500 square-meter building has been in operation since April.  It cost around $8 million U.S. dollars and uses 66 different technologies, including solar and geothermal, which reduce energy consumption by 40 percent.

Super insulation and triple-glazed windows and doors are used for temperature control.  Solar (photovoltaic) panels on the roof produce the building’s electricity.  Solar and geothermal pumps work in concert to provide heat.  Lighting is provided by natural sunlight – window blinds are programmed to automatically adjust light coming into the building from outside – and where required, by Light Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs which switch off automatically when there is no movement.

It is estimated the building will cut CO2 emissions by 100 tons a year and save about $ 100,000 in energy costs.

Green growth is a central policy for South Korea’s government.  Because buildings create about 25 percent of greenhouse emissions there, new building construction is important factor in the goal of reducing their carbon footprint.

The information from the building will be useful in future zero-carbon building projects.

I must admit that my first thoughts were that it would be quite disconcerting to work in a building where the windows and blinds operated automatically – but I suppose it makes sense. The machines will operate reliably (no sick leave, hangovers or arguments!), and you’re free to concentrate on your work. It’s been shown that employees work better in more comfortable environments. I’m sure these new offices will reduce “sick building syndrome”!
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building, carbon neutral, eco friendly, Energy Use, green, office, save the planet, South Korea, zero-carbon

  • Hi Green Goddess,

    That is very interesting how South Korea has developed the first eco-friendly business office building. Are there reports of other countries following their example?

    Happy Dating and Relationships,

    April Braswell

    • There are examples all over the world of buildings which have various eco-friendly techniques and technologies, although not all as sophisticated as the South Korean one. I’m intending to do a regular feature on eco-friendly buildings around the world, interspersed with my usual hints and tips for green living. There are loads of interesting initiatives!
      Thanks April!

  • A very impressive building. Hats off to South Korea!! A green, carbon neutral office sets the tone for the rest of the world.

  • This is actually quite an uplifting post! Its good to see a country that most people believe to be in the under developed class attain such an outstanding accomplishment! Hopefully the prices for solar and photovoltaic energy sources will drop down and become more affordable here soon. I know locally, solar water heating systems is becoming quite a big thing and something I will hopefully be able to participate in soon!


    • I imagine Las Vegas would be a pretty good place for solar / PV energy! I’m glad it’s becoming more popular – hopefully the pay-back period will reduce, making it an option for more people. Thanks for your comment Jeff!

  • It looks like more buildings will be built like that in the future.
    Scott Sylvan Bell

  • Hopefully the energy costs will go a long way toward off-setting the inital cost of the building. I do understand it’s an office building and construction won’t be cheap no matter how it’s constructed. I believe their energy commitments will pay off tremendously in the future. As for the carbon emissions, I’m still not sold.

  • It has to be the future in commercial buildings . I wish houses were given more attention in their design .

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