Eco-Friendly Travel Can Be Basic OR Luxurious

Eco-Friendly Travel – Anytime!


Eco Friendly Travel“Eco-friendly travel”.  What sort of images does this conjure up in your mind?

Perhaps you equate eco-friendly travel with things like low-budget – backpacking, roughing it, no luxury, volunteering…….. or maybe massively expensive.

It doesn’t make it seem very attractive, does it?

Luckily though, eco-friendly travel IS possible irrespective of your budget, location and luxury level.

Here’s how to make your next trips eco-friendly.


Getting There and Back

Travelling shorter distances is of course more eco-friendly than long haul (unless you’re flying).

Seriously consider if you can have just as much travelling locally or a short distance away, as you would travelling long haul. Or maybe a staycation could be fun? Staying local means you avoid the hassles of crowded airports, security, time wasted and so on.

If you need transport, use a train, bus or ship rather than a plane. Flying is one of the worst things you can do for the planet.

If you are going to travel a long distance, flying may be your only option.  If so, consider offsetting your carbon footprint for the flight – plant some trees or make a donation to a company which will use your money for reforestation or other sustainable projects.  See this site for offsetting.

Alternatively, plant trees yourself – just remember to make sure you nurture them so they grow and fulfil their carbon promise.  According to AngelFire Global Cooling you need to plant 1 tree for every 1,300 miles or 2000 km that you travel by plane.

(Do remember though if you are going to plant your own trees, trees grow quicker and absorb more carbon in tropical regions than in the UK and many parts of the USA).

Check your available airlines to see which companies operate using eco-friendly practices.

If you have to fly, try to avoid several short-haul flights and instead book one long-haul flight if possible. It’s the take-offs and landings that add to your carbon emissions, as well as the flight itself.


Researching Accommodation

You will find hotels, lodges, hostels, apartments for rent in Ohio, campsites and caravan parks on every continent which follow eco-friendly practices.

Pay particular attention to their water use, waste management and energy conservation, as well as their heating / cooling practices, guest amenities (e.g. soaps, shampoos) and cleaning products.  Local sustainable food is also important, as is their interaction with their local communities.

By all means use the internet or a travel agent to search for eco-friendly accommodation.  But once I’ve narrowed it down to a couple of options, I always like to research the properties myself thoroughly, before making a booking.  Sometimes (not often, but sometimes) I’ve found that a Mission Statement or web page on “Our Sustainability Journey” are full of great ideas which are not put into practice on a daily basis.

Network with others who travel green and get their personal recommendations too.

If you want luxury accommodation you can still be eco-friendly.  Spend the money you’ve earned without damaging the environment and you can have as much luxury as you want and can afford.  It comes down to understanding your responsibility towards the environment.

When you’re staying in accommodation, avoid getting clean towels when not necessary, don’t have long showers and remember to turn off TV, lights and aircon when you leave the room.


Slow Down

Don’t plan a trip where you rush from place to place. Stay longer – it’s greener, and you get to know a place and the locals better. And you’re supporting a local economy.

When hiking or walking, always stay on marked trails and maintain a safe distance from any animals you encounter. Going off the beaten path could mean you trample on protected or endangered plants.


Before You Leave Home

Remember these quick tips to reduce your impact even further:

  1. eco friendly travel pack lightPack lightly.  It’s easier for you to travel without lugging heavy bags with you, and it’s also more eco-friendly.  It uses more fuel to carry more weight, so your car will use more petrol the more you transport, and it’s the same with planes.  (It’s estimated that an extra 10 pounds or 5kg per passenger uses an extra 350 million gallons of jet fuel each year!).
  2. Pack a reusable water bottle.  It will help to avoid / reduce the need to buy bottled water which is expensive and bad for the environment, as well as reduce your waste.
  3. At home before you leave, turn your water heater off or down to Low, and adjust your heating / air conditioning to minimum.  Turn the water off from outside the house (to prevent possible flooding if there’s a leak while you’re away), and turn off all electrical and electronic devices by unplugging them (or using a smart strip) so that they don’t draw power while on standby.

What’s next?  You know how to plan the trip.  Now, find out how to be eco-friendly while you’re holidaying.



eco-friendly travel, green travel, sustainable travel

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