Fossil Fuels and Global Warming

Or, How to Cook our Planet


Solar is renewable energyI’ve been optimistic that renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind) would ultimately replace fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal).

Even though investment in renewable energy isn’t as great as it is in fossil fuels, and even though oil gets more subsidies than renewables.

Yes, we need improvements to make renewables more efficient and reliable – we forget that oil started out pretty badly until it received significant investment in new technologies to harness it more efficiently.

But ultimately, with fossil fuels running out, renewables seemed destined to take over.

Even President Obama seemed to say that in his climate speech in June 2013.

But ….. there’s a fly in the ointment.

It’s not what the world is actually doing and planning.  Next  

What ARE we actually doing? /   Page 2



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