Where Are Most Germs in YOUR Home? (Not Where You Think)


Which Part of Your Home Has The Most Germs? (Spoiler – It’s Probably Not Where You Think)


So, quick question. Where do you think the most germs live in your home?

Most people say in the bathroom or toilet.

But – that’s wrong!

Where do the most germs live?

Surprisingly, here are top 3 culprits:

  1. Dish cloths or sponges in the kitchen
  2. Kitchen sinks
  3. Toothbrush holders

Oh, and if you’ve got a coffee maker – the reservoir (where the water lives) is also a popular home for bacteria.

Your handbag often contains faecal bacteria, and your smartphone is home to plenty of germs too. 

Yeuch!  That’s horrible!

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What About Eating Out?

OK, so germs are lurking in unexpected places at home. Well, knowledge is power – so now you know where to focus your cleaning.

ice and germsBut when you eat out, you have no control over how other people control germs. 

Taking ice in your drink when you dine out can be risky. One study showed ice in restaurant chains had higher levels of bacteria than the samples taken from their toilets.

Literally millions of people world wide are affected by food poisoning after eating out – and some even die from it.

So, What Can You Do?

Always look around a restaurant before sitting down. If the front of house isn’t spotlessly clean, what is their kitchen like?

Some places have open kitchens – ask to take a look. (Generally, if the owner is confident enough to have a visible kitchen, it will be spotless).

There are 2 very important things to do, every day, to protect yourself from germs and infections.  And one thing NOT to do.

What NOT to Do

Do NOT use anti-bacterial soaps and cleaners around your home. You need some bacteria to keep your immune system healthy and functioning. 

Wash Your Hands

Simply washing your hands frequently is an easy way to remove many bacteria and viruses.

germs - home health products anti bacterialThis sounds obvious, but here’s Hand Washing 101:-

• Wash your hands for 20 seconds ((that’s quite a  long time!)
• Use enough soap to cover your hands
• Make sure you rub all parts of both hands, including your fingertips
• Rinse with water
• Dry thoroughly

Wash your hands after handling raw meat or poultry, petting animals and going to the bathroom. And also after handling money – it’s filthy!

Always wash your hands before you handle food.

Wear Gloves

My childhood memories include my mother always wearing gloves when she washed the dishes or cleaned the house. They worked to protect her hands from the harsh chemicals. I suppose dishwashers have removed some of that requirement. 

But the fact is, gloves can help promote hygiene, especially if you’re preparing food. They can help to prevent cross-contamination, and protect food from direct hand contact.

If you regularly deal with food, particularly if you prepare food for other people, consider disposable latex gloves.

(I don’t normally recommend disposable products, but food hygiene is so important – and if you consider the consequences, treating people for food poisoning isn’t eco-friendly either).

You can read more on social media using the hashtag  #GloveIsAllYouNeed

More Info

There’s a useful booklet with interesting information if you want  to find our more about germs – you can read it here


Germs are everywhere. You need some, but you also need good hygiene to avoid illness, especially from food. Germs spread very easily on food. So wash your hands properly and often, and if you’re preparing or handling food, especially for others, wear gloves for better hygiene. 


Did you know that people who live green are happier? They also have a more non-toxic life, and more time to spend on the important things in life. Find out how to live a simpler, greener life with this FREE ebook now –  click here.

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Warm regards,

signature Clare





P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free green living handbook “Live Well, Live Green” here.



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