Green, Environment News 28 June 2017


A round-up of this week’s environmental, green and ecofriendly news and updates.

You’ve heard of the 21 kids in the US who are taking on the Federal government and fossil fuel companies about failing to protect them from climate change.

900 Dutch citizens also took their government to court – and won. The lawyer said the case proved “that all governments have a legal duty to protect their citizens against climate change by doing their part to lower emissions”.

Now a law student from New Zealand is tackling her country’s government for failure to properly address climate change. Sarah Thomson, 26, says that as a developed country, New Zealand has an obligation under the Paris Agreement to set a target in line with the scientific consensus. “I’m young and I’m terrified of a time when I might have to look my kids in the eye and explain to them how we let this happen” she says.


drinking water may be necessary, not eatingWe know we need to eat lots of fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables to keep us healthy. 

But we also know there are pesticide residues on many of them.

Here’s what you can do to still enjoy fresh produce – and still be safe!

Hooray! Scientists have shown that anti-bacterial soaps are (a) not any better at preventing illness or stopping the spread of infection than normal soaps, (b) can cause hormonal problems, (c) are toxic and carcinogenic and (d) are lousy for the environment.

If you see triclosan and triclocarban. as ingredients in your soap, don’t buy any more! You can read the report here if you wish.


There’s something that no one is talking about – yet it’s really important.

It’s to do with our health – and what is having such a huge impact on it.

Find out more here.


Global Green News:

Imagine you have a very lovable  pet. But he or she has been genetically engineered to be perfect meat. What do you do?

Expect gorgeous scenery – and some tears – in a new film called Okja, which will start streaming on Netflix today.

You can watch the trailer for the film here.

US Green News:

Fyling is not eco-friendly

Almost 50 flights were cancelled from Phoenix, Arizona due to 120 degree heat. When it’s so hot, planes can’t get enough lift and so can’t take off. We’re used to winter weather causing flight problems, but now climate change is causing delays in summer too.

Flights from the Middle East are already scheduled in the evening and night hours when the air is cooler. High altitude airports in South America and South Africa do the same thing. Some airports around the globe may also need to adapt.

You might enjoy this wonderful explainer written especially for Donald Trump, explaining climate change (it’s wonderful!). (I don’t know if you’ll be able to see if you’re not on Twitter), have a laugh here.


What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

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And if you’re on Twitter, get a daily green tip by following me – @EcoExpert1 . See you there!


climate change, eco friendly news, ecofriendly, environment news, green, Green News

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