5 Yummy Ideas for Kombucha Tea Recipes

Kombucha Is Wonderfully Healthy. Here’s How to  Enjoy More of It – Tasty Kombucha Tea Recipes


Kombucha tea recipes - here, in a glass jar



Of course you know that kombucha tea is great for your health. That’s one of the reasons why it’s so massively popular now. You can enjoy the taste as-is. Or you can enjoy Kombucha in lots of different ways to ring the changes and get even more of it inside you for all the health benefits! Here are some of my favourite kombucha tea recipes.

Kombucha is made from fermented black tea.  You can make it yourself with a starter called a SCOBY or you can buy Kombucha ready to drink.  It comes in a variety of flavors, including sparkling, and also as a beer!

Using kombucha in non-traditional ways can give you an extra boost of probiotics. Here are some great ideas for enjoying kombucha tea recipes that will have you coming back for more!

Kombucha Tea Recipes – Cool Coolers

These are ideal for cooling down on a hot day

  • Freeze Kombucha tea into delicious-but-healthy frozen popsicles or ice lollies – they make a refreshing and tasty dessert or snack.
  • Make kombucha ice cubes and add them to juice or other beverages of your choice for an extra bit of flavour as well as adding probiotics to any drink.
  • Take those frozen ice cubes and add them to your blender with juice or liquid tea and create a slushy.

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Kombucha Tea Recipes – Salad Dressing, Condiments

If you’re careful about what you eat, then you probably make your own salad dressing. A wise move – you know exactly what goes into it! Instead of oil and vinegar, use oil and kombucha. Because kombucha is fermented, it will give the same strong acidic flavor as vinegar – but with an extra dose of probiotics.

If you make your own condiments such as ketchup or mustard, use kombucha instead of vinegar.  It will provide the same tang.  Making your own allows you to use less sugar and experiment with different spices.

Kombucha Tea Recipes – Marinade

It’s good to marinate meats such as beef, chicken, pork, or fish before eating, for better flavour and tenderness.  Using kombucha as a marinade will boost the flavor of any meat and provide a culinary treat for your palate.

To use as a brine, you can combine kombucha with water, salt, and other spices.  Brine a turkey or chicken to get more flavor and juiciness after cooking.  Most brines need a day or two in the refrigerator so plan ahead of you want to try this kombucha tea recipe.

Kombucha Tea Recipes – Grains

Many people soak grains before using them for baking to improve the flavor and health of the final product.  You can add about a teaspoon of kombucha for every cup of water you use to soak grains.

This will help break the grains down even more and give you an even healthier result.  Soaking takes several hours so most people will start the soaking before bed and put the rest of the recipe together the next morning.

Kombucha Tea Recipes –  Cocktails

cocktails - kombucha tea recipesKombucha can also be delicious in your favorite cocktails or mocktails.  Many cocktails call for acid ingredients to help bring out the flavor of the alcohol or cut the sweetness of a drink.

When a recipe calls for an acid you can substitute with kombucha.  You can also use kombucha instead of club soda in both cocktails and non-alcoholic mocktails. You’ll be able to enjoy your beverage and give it an extra boost of probiotics at the same time!

So Many Ways!

Remember, you can enjoy kombucha in so many ways:

  1. As it comes – a healthy tea. Make it yourself (use a  starter kit called a SCOBY), or buy Kombucha ready to drink.
  2. Buy more interesting variations of ready made kombucha – sparkling, and also as a beer!
  3. Freeze the tea into popsicles or lollies, or into ice cubes you add to other drinks.
  4. If you make you own salad dressing and condiments, use kombucha instead of vinegar for an extra dose of health
  5. Use it as a marinade for meats
  6. Add it to the soaking water for grains
  7. Use it to make healthier cocktails or mocktails



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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free green living handbook “Live Well, Live Green” here.


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