Migraine Relief – The Natural, Safe Way

Natural, Safe Methods of Migraine Relief are Good for You – and the Planet!



As I type this, I can tell you that I have a migraine right now.

natural migraine reliefThat means that I am in pain and I feel like throttling something. Anything or anyone will do. Luckily, those moments pass – sadly, the pain endures.

So, you can be assured that I am writing this article with more than a modicum of personal experience.

What will you find out here?

Well, first we’re going to look at the difference between a headache and a migraine, then the common migraine triggers.

After that, I’ll give you tips on preventing migraines, and then, if you still get one, on natural methods of migraine relief. And I’ll end with a heartfelt plea.

That’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started.

Differences Between Headaches and Migraines


A bad headache is never pleasant. But I get really upset when people use “headache” and “migraine” interchangeably. They are quite different.

Migraine headaches are a result of changes within the brain itself, resulting in severe pain, often concentrated on one side of the head.

You may also have sensitivity to smells, sounds, and/or light.

For example, one of my dogs has a high-pitched bark, and if she barks while I have a migraine, it causes additional physical pain. Oh yes, and I can often tell from their breath what people have eaten recently (that’s not always pleasant!).

Additionally, migraines are often associated with nausea and vomiting— you don’t get those with regular headaches.

Migraine headaches are usually only on one side of the head but sometimes, they can be bilateral. Headache pain from a migraine headache is often described as “pounding” or “throbbing” – and it can worsen with physical activity.  (For me, it feels like a jackhammer or pile-driver breaking rocks in there).

Sometimes, eye and jaw pain accompany a migraine.

They usually last several hours but can last several days before migraine relief.

Some of us have a warning sign (called an aura) that shows up just before the headache pain begins. An aura can involve numbness or weakness on one side of the body, a blind spot in the eye, or the presence of flickering lights in the field of vision. The aura often lasts several minutes, generally going away as the pain begins.

Causes of Migraines


know Symptoms to help migraine reliefThere are no blood tests or imaging studies that can diagnose a migraine headache.

That’s interesting, isn’t it?

So doctors can only look at signs and symptoms.

The cause of migraines is unknown, although there are many theories.

Changes in the neurotransmitter levels in the brain are believed to be a part of the etiology behind migraines.

Common causes of migraines include

  • eating certain foods,
  • being exposed to loud noises and other strong sensory stimuli,
  • stress, and
  • hormonal changes in the body.

Risk Factors For Migraines


Around a quarter of all people will experience a migraine at some time in their lives. Most people with migraines are women. After the teenage years, the ratio of women to men having migraines is about 3 to 1.

There seems to be a hereditary component to getting migraines – so if you have a family history of migraines, you’re going to want natural migraine relief.

Medical/Prescription Treatment Options for Migraine


medication for migraine can have side effectsYou can buy over-the-counter or prescription medications for migraine relief. Prescription medications often include frovatriptan, almotriptan, naratriptan, zolmitriptan, rizatriptan, eletriptan, and sumatriptan—all members of the triptan classification of migraine headache relievers.

Sometimes they work. Sometimes they don’t.

We’re all different.

I’ve tried various meds (including assorted medical “cocktails” or combinations) over the years for migraine relief. Some worked for a while – and then stopped working. Others did nothing at all.

You can buy prescription drugs that are supposed to be preventative – but that means you’re on medication all the time. Perhaps if they work, it’s worth it….

But of course, this wouldn’t be the EcoExpert Blog if I didn’t talk about natural, green and eco friendly ways to bring about migraine relief.

So let’s look at the preferred ways.

Prevention is always better than cure


Yes, it’s what your parents said (even if they weren’t talking about migraines!). And they were right.

If you can prevent a migraine, it’s got to be much easier than suffering and trying to cure it.

But how can you prevent something that can’t be diagnosed?

You can help to prevent migraines in two main ways: food and exercise.

Food Triggers To Avoid To Prevent Migraines


chocolate may be a migraine triggerMany believe there are certain foods and beverages which trigger a migraine. There’s not a lot of scientific evidence for these, but if you keep track of what you eat every day, then look back when you get a migraine, you may be able to discover a pattern. (And remember, food triggers are different for everyone).

It is thought that the following can be migraine triggers:

  1. Chocolate
  2. MSG (a food additive found in many processed, packaged and restaurant foods)
  3. Cheese (especially brie and blue cheese)
  4. Caffeine (although one or two cups a day is probably OK if you’re used to it)
  5. Nuts
  6. Alcohol

(By the way, if you’re thinking that those are all NICE foods and drinks – I agree!).

Like most things, moderation is probably fine. But eating brie every day for a week might be problematic – or perhaps not. It’s different for everyone.



I find that when I include fresh pineapple in my daily smoothie, it helps to reduce the numbers of migraines I get and how long they last. I think it’s the magnesium. Again, this won’t be the same for everyone, but do consider foods rich in magnesium if you are a migraine sufferer.

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Exercise to Prevent Migraines


I find I get fewer migraines when I exercise regularly. (For me, I think it’s because if I don’t exercise, my shoulders and back stiffen up, leading to neck and shoulder tension which can sometimes lead to a migraine).

Some of the best exercises are those which focus on reducing stress and improving relaxation, such as

  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Qi Gong

Natural Treatments for Migraine Relief


Once you’ve got one, you definitely want to try to reduce the pain.

Many migraine sufferers retire to a dark room, take some medication and try to sleep it off. It’s a comforting option, but you’re not always able to time away from work or your family.

A colleague used to bash the OTHER head of his head against the wall to take his focus away from the migraine pain on the other side. That has never appealed to me.

peppermint essential oil for migraine reliefHere are some options that work for me.

  1. Essential Oils. I find that a mixture of lavender and peppermint oils (combined with a carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut) helps. I just rub it onto my skin where the pain is, as well as onto pulse points. It needs to be re-applied regularly. The downside for me is that most of the pain happens under my hair, where I can’t easily rub the oils.
  2. Heat. I have one of those pads (similar to the picture below – click for more information) that you toss in the microwave (hooray, a use for the microwave!) and heat up the grains inside. Then you place it on your neck and the parts of your head that are sore. It’s comforting and also helps to reduce neck tension.

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Lifestyle Changes


For many people, lifestyle changes – such as eating more healthily, especially lots of fresh vegetables and fruit – and getting plenty of exercise, are enough to prevent migraines, or at least stop them from happening as often.

And of course, all of those are green and eco friendly options too!

P.S. A plea! If you own or work in a public space that uses florescent lighting, and you have a light that is flickering (on it’s way out), PLEASE get it replaced immediately – flickering lights are really horrible for migraine sufferers!

Migraines are different from headaches and are truly horrible to experience. Prevention is better than cure, and natural methods of migraine relief are safer, such as eating magnesium-rich foods and doing de-stressing exercise such as yoga.

Please Share this post and help other migraine sufferers – sharing buttons below and right!

Do you have migraines? What do you do for migraine relief? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE juicing and smoothies recipe book here!



eco friendly, food, food triggers, food triggers for migraines, green, health, migraine, migraine relief, migraines, natural migraine relief, safe

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