Most Effective Workouts – 5 Tips for Today

5 Fresh Ideas for the Most Effective Workouts


Read the details here – or skip straight to end for a summary infographic.

It happens to everyone.

You’ve been exercising, but you don’t seem to be gaining as much from your workouts as you used to. Perhaps you’re not losing weight either.

don't plateau for most effective workoutsAnd – worse – you’re not enjoying working out any more.

You’re bored, and frustrated.

It happens.

Often, it’s called a plateau.

It’s often a sign that your body has become used to what you’re doing – it’s acclimatized to your routine.

But don’t worry.

Here are 5 great ways to spice things up again!

Switch It Up for the Most Effective Workouts

cardio gym not most effective workoutsCardio is a great way to burn off calories and get your heart working to help burn fat and improve your overall health.

But who can honestly enjoy spending an hour running on a treadmill or sweating on an elliptical for their entire workout session, 5 times a week?

Eventually, it’s going to seem like a chore.

Plus, the treadmill uses the most energy (electrical power) of all the machines in a gym, so it’s not green and eco friendly.

Changing the way that you work out will not only help you to stay interested in your work out regime, it will also keep your body guessing, so it doesn’t get used to the “same old same old”.

Changing things around will also allow you to target other areas of your body.

  • Do sets of bodyweight exercises such as burpees, lunges and crunches to not only burn energy but also work on toning up those muscles.
  • Skip the weight machines, and do some free weights instead.
  • Instead of the treadmill, join different exercise classes.

Do Intervals for the Most Effective Workouts

Interval workouts are the most effective methods of burning calories.

 It takes time to workout. So make it effective! 

The next time you are on the treadmill, running, cycling or even using a cross trainer, try using intervals.


You need to maintain a constant and steady pace, but every few minutes, up your speed to the fastest that you can manage before returning to the steady pace again after a few more minutes.

The way this works is that your heart is constantly being driven to work hard, and then starts to relax again. This constant change of heart pace means that you get a more effective workout.

For examples, simply Google “interval training”

Choose Your Workout Buddy Wisely for the Most Effective Workouts

a good pal for the most effective workoutsWhen you’re working out, it really helps to have someone to help you keep to your goals. Make sure that you choose your workout pal wisely.

If your workout partner can’t keep up with you, you may find it difficult to fit in the pace of workout that you need.

Try to choose a workout buddy who is either at the same or slightly higher level of fitness so that you can keep up, go further and stay motivated.

This will ensure that the time you spend working out with a friend is as effective as possible.

Hire A Personal Trainer for the Most Effective Workouts

If you don’t know a huge amount about fitness, how the human body works, or nutrition, you’re not likely to be effective when it comes to working out.

You can’t just “hope for the best” and choose exercises that you think will work.

By hiring your own personal trainer, you’ll receive tailored assistance with your workout routine, and your trainer will help you grow your workout as your fitness level grows.

Not only will they be able to tell you what will help you burn off the weight or achieve your target goals, but you will also be able to get some nutritional advice. Your diet is very important when it comes to implementing changes to your body image and this is as specific to each individual as a workout routine.

Get Moving At Work for the Most Effective Workouts

Of course, when you’re at work, you’re thinking about work, not about exercise and working out.

fit people exercise using existing stairs for the most effective workoutsBut it’s really important to keep moving throughout the day.

Some jobs are physically active – but if you sit at a desk all day (like me), you need to incorporate some bursts of exercise into your breaks.

You could

  • Google “desk exercises” and find some you enjoy doing
  • Run up and walk down some stairs
  • Go for a brisk walk around the block
  • Take a jump rope to work and do some skipping for 5-10 minutes
  • Try a standing desk so you work on your feet

The more you can keep moving throughout the day, the more calories you’ll be able to burn.

One of the nice things about exercising at work – or at home if you work from home – is that you’re mostly using bodyweight instead of machines.

And that’s great, because bodyweight exercises cultivate better balance and stability, which is always important and even more so as you age.

And of course, they’re much more green, because there’s no manufactured equipment involved.


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Do you exercise? If so, how do you optimize the time you spend exercising to make sure it’s efficient?  Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  I like the “Deskercise” website.

P.P.S.  here’s an infographic with a summary of the main points:

5 fresh ways to boost workout effectiveness infographic


bodyweight exercises, eco friendly, effective workouts, exercise, fit, green, most effective workouts, train, trainer, workout, workouts

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