Why Optimism is Better than Pessimism

It Seems Logical That Optimism Is Better Than Pessimism. But Is It Really – And How Easy Is It?

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OK, I admit it. When I was younger, I thought optimists were, well, always optimists. And pessimists were always pessimists. You know, that you were somehow born one way or the other, and that was that. It was final, settled.

Well, now we know that’s simply not true. You CAN change your outlook on life to be more optimistic if you wish. And not only that, but there are massive benefits to doing so.

Let me give you 2 real-life examples.

  1. Optimists (those who maintained a positive attitude) before and during intense surgeries, recover more quickly.
  2. Optimists survive a highly-pressured and stressful work situation better, and with fewer illnesses, than pessimists.

Researchers identified that an optimistic attitude was the common factor in these studies – people who tried to find the “silver lining” usually rise above their challenges.

Easier Said Than Done?

Of course, it’s easy to tell yourself (and others) to be more optimistic.

But putting it into practice isn’t quite so straightforward.

But it IS possible – even though it may even seem insurmountable when you face certain challenges. And trying to find the positive in whatever you’re going through, will save you a lot of stress. You may even find a useful solution to the problem you’re facing!

Here are five valuable tips that’ll help you maintain a positive attitude.

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1. Optimism – Kindness, Not Complaints

It’s easy to get in the habit of negatives. Your morning commute can be a pain, you hate your job, your partner doesn’t help with anything……….you can find yourself complaining about everything.

optimism is kindness not complaintsWithout even noticing, this negative attitude can transcend into every aspect of your life. Pull yourself up, and focus on what’s gone well today (the train arrived on time, your partner fixed something for you, you got a  report finished on time, your child gave you a huge hug……..There’s an old saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it” – it can be handy to remember it.

2. Optimism – Learn to Meditate

The act of meditation focuses on finding calm amidst stress. You can focusing on things other than the problem at hand, allowing your subconscious to work it all out. By distancing yourself from problems, you’ll often find solutions. And by prioritizing time for yourself, you grow in optimism and self-awareness.

3. Optimism – Remove Yourself From Toxic People

An orchid simply won’t flourish in a dry environment. It’s the same with you. If you’re trying to keep positive, you may have to remove yourself from negative people. When people drain you of your energy, and / or constantly criticise or put you down, it’s time to let them go.

4. Optimism – Make Progressive Changes

improve optimism graduallyIf you’re finding it hard to stay positive in your current situation, perhaps make changes to get out of it. If you dislike your job, make the effort necessary towards finding a new one. If you’re feeling unhealthy, make nutritious changes so you can live your best life. Sometimes a little effort is all you need to change your current perspective.

5. Give to Others

They say there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. When you give of yourself to others, you’re no longer focusing on your own issues. You’re exposing yourself to those who are less fortunate and making their moment better. If you find yourself constantly in a negative space, volunteer at a homeless shelter or dog pound. If it’s in your means, donate to a local charity. This will give you a broader perspective and help you develop an overall positive attitude.


Shifting your focus from negative to positive is not an overnight fix. Gaining more optimism  takes self-improvement self-awareness and effort to really see changes. Keep working towards changing your perspective and you’ll be on your way to living a happy life.


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Did you know that people who live green are happier? They also have a more non-toxic life, and more time to spend on the important things in life. Find out how to live a simpler, greener life with this FREE ebook now! (Click the picture, or click here).

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free green living handbook “Live Well, Live Green” here.


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