Raw Food – Top 10 Foods Best Eaten Raw

Raw Food is Great – Here’s How to Enjoy It Daily!

Top 10 Foods Eat Raw PI

Eating a raw food diet 100% of the time can be tough.

raw food - organic vegetablesEven so, we all know that eating at least SOME raw food is really good for us.

There are some foods which give us far more nutritional benefit if we eat them raw, than if we cook them.

So here you’ll find a list of the top 10 best foods to eat raw.

Why is this such a handy list?

Because it’s easy to fit these raw foods in with your normal eating habits!

For example, one of the great foods to eat raw is a bell pepper.  Just get a nice, crisp, fresh one, slice or chop it up, store in an airtight container, and when you’re ready to eat a meal, simply add some ready-chopped, ready-to-eat sweet bell pepper as a delicious side!  It’s easy, convenient and healthy!

list raw foodSo, let’s get straight into the list of the best raw foods that actually provide you with more nutrition than they do when cooked.

Next time you’re looking for a quick snack or trying to think of something that you can take with you for a lunch away from home, try out some of these raw foods.

They need minimum preparation and have plenty of great benefits for your body if you eat them regularly.

Raw Food #1: Coconut

Natural fresh coconut raw foodRaw coconut offers loads more benefits than dried, processed or sweetened coconut!

Also, coconut water is a natural sports drink because of its ability to hydrate and replace electrolytes, and it is also rich in potassium, sodium, and magnesium.

If you watch calories, then take coconut in moderation as it is relatively high in calories (but it does have less sugar carbs per portion than apples).

Raw Food #2: Blueberries

raw food blueberries fresh fruitBlueberries are really tasty and full of antioxidants that fight free radicals to prevent chronic disease. They are high in fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin B-6 and very low in calories and sugar.

Next time you want something sweet for a quick pick-me-up, try a handful of blueberries instead of reaching for chocolate.

For extra convenience, buy frozen blueberries, which will keep for longer. Stock up when they’re in season (they’re more affordable and it’s more green and eco friendly than buying them out-of-season), and enjoy the benefits all year round.

Raw Food #3: Fermented Vegetables

Fermented vegetables are easy for the body to absorb and digest because the fermentation process pre-digests the starches in these foods. They also have many enzymes and probiotics to boost your immune system, and improve nutrient absorption.

You can ferment many vegetables including kale, carrots, cucumber, celery and cabbage. Ginger and garlic make great spices when fermenting vegetables.

Kefir is raw foodTempeh is a fermented food, as is the Korean favorite kim chee (kimchi) along with raw kefir, yoghurt, kombucha, miso, sauerkraut and sourdough bread.

Tip: Supermarket or commercial kefirs and yogurts often contain sugars that destroy the beneficial bacteria.  Some also contain artificial ingredients.

As well as eating them on their own, you can add fermented vegetables to salads, soups, or to complement main dishes – they add great flavour.

 What’s the difference between pickled and fermented food? Pickled vegetables are normally preserved in vinegar, and have no live cultures. Fermented foods on the other hand contain probiotics (healthy bacteria) which have great health benefits. In the supermarket you’ll find pickled food on shelves, but fermented food will be refrigerated.

If you don’t make your own and need to buy fermented foods, look for labels that include the words “live cultures,” “source of probiotics,” or others that hint that the product you are buying is indeed fermented.

Raw Food #4: Honey

Raw honey provides two key beneficial components, bee pollen, and propolis. It is a unique blend of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Raw honey contains antioxidants called phenolic compounds, and some types contain as many of these essential free radical fighting agents as vegetables and fruit.

raw food - raw honeyFree radicals are known contributors to aging, and increasing risk factors of cancer, heart disease and other chronic medical conditions. Numerous studies have shown the polyphenols found in honey to play a key role in preventing heart disease.

Phytonutrients are compounds in plants that protect them from external harm, and they do the same for the human body, as they have both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Phytonutrients are only found in raw honey as they are destroyed in any type of heavy processing of food.

(Honey also has the added side-effect of helping with allergies)

Honey can be used as a healthy substitute for sugar and is a popular choice when dieting. If you include a teaspoon in your daily diet, you will be able to enjoy many benefits.  Use it to sweeten tea or coffee, spread it on toast, or add a few drops to your morning berries.

Raw Food #5: Sprouts

Sprouts (such as alfalfa) are extremely healthy – they are vegetables that are still in the growth stage, and because of this, they have high levels of nutrients, key enzymes and numerous vitamins, all ready to be digested by the human body.

alfalfa sprouts raw foodFor example, alfalfa sprouts have vitamins A, B, C, and E, Calcium, Carotene, Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, and Chlorophyll.

If you’re a vegetarian or vegan and you need more protein in your diet, sprouts are a great source of protein too.

But what if you don’t like the taste of raw sprouts? No problem! Make a green smoothie and mask the flavour of the sprouts with other healthy ingredients.  

Raw Food #6: Broccoli

broccoli fresh raw foodEating raw broccoli helps fight cancer, as chewing this raw superfood allows you to access a cancer-fighting compound known as myrosinase, which is often killed off in the cooking process.

Eating broccoli sprouts doubles your intake of anti-cancer properties.

Raw Food #7: Garlic

garlic raw foodFreshly chopped raw garlic contains the enzyme alliinase that converts alliin into allicin, which is what creates the specific aroma of fresh garlic and also helps to improve your health. According to the University Of Maryland Medical Center, allicin has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

Moreover, fresh raw garlic releases a short-lived gas known as hydrogen sulfide that acts as an intracellular signaling compound that protects the heart. Cooking, processing, and drying destroy this valuable compound.

(If you’re worried about the smell of garlic on your breath, eating raw fresh parsley is said to help).

Raw Food #8: Onions

onions raw foodA Cornell University study found that raw onions contain sulphur compounds, and cancer-fighting antioxidants that are only present in their juice. These nutrients help protect against lung and prostate cancer.

Raw Food #9: Red Bell Peppers

red bell pepper raw foodRed bell peppers contain about 150% of the daily-recommended value of vitamin C, but the National Institute of Health warns that this vital nutrient breaks down when peppers are cooked.

Eating raw red peppers also helps prevent atherosclerosis that can lead to heart disease.

Raw Food #10: Nuts

walnuts raw foodMany people enjoy roasted nuts (including me!). But that cooking process reduces valuable nutrients such as iron and magnesium. And of course the oil used in the roasting process adds extra calories and fat.

So choose raw nuts instead for a healthy snack.

Bonus Tip – Use Raw Food in Smoothies and Juices

raw food - green juiceA great way to get more raw food into your diet is to add raw food ingredients into your smoothies.

For example, I dislike the taste of raw broccoli, but I can add it to some green smoothies without tasting it.  So I get the benefits without the taste!

If you want to enjoy all the fabulous health benefits of green smoothies – without  the horrible taste – see “Ultimate Juices and Smoothies for Fun  and Health”, and pick up a great free recipe book!

Raw Food Benefits

As you can see from this list, eating these Top 10 raw food items regularly can improve your health significantly.

All of them are good for you – but even better when eaten as raw food.

So add them to your diet today, and enjoy the full benefits of healthy, raw food.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S. Don’t forget to pick up your FREE smoothies and juices recipe book here!


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