Top 4 Tips to Save Water in the Kitchen

Save Water in the Kitchen – it’s Easy!

Save Water in kitchen

save water, help avoid drought Water is a precious resource.

In fact, we don’t realize just how precious it is – until we don’t have it any more.

So, do your bit to protect this precious commodity.

Here are 4 quick ways that you can save water in the kitchen.

Watch the video or read the transcript below – the choice is yours!

1:  Save Water With an Aerator


save water with an aeratorIf you haven’t already, install a low-flow aerator on your faucet or tap.

It mixes air with the water, so you get similar pressure but you use (and pay for) less water.

So, it you’re washing your hands or rinsing dishes, you’ll use less precious H20.

Aerators are NOT expensive and are very easy to attach to the tap.

2: Save Water Washing Produce


save water wash fresh fruit in bowlWhen you’re washing fresh produce, if you’ve got more than a couple of items, put water into a bowl or in the sink.

Wash them in this water, instead of under running water – you’ll waste less.

Then, if you wish, rinse them briefly in running water – but keep the bowl there.

Then use that water for flowers, or for your yard.

3: Save Water Washing, Rinsing & Sterilizing


save water washing cookwareWhen you’re scrubbing pots and pans or if you  pre-rinse dishes for the dishwasher (if you REALLY need to!), don’t do that under running water.

Again, put some water in the sink or in a bowl in the sink. And again, utilize that used water in your garden or yard.

I know some people who sterilize their plates after washing, by pouring boiling water over them. Now, most people don’t actually need to do that – in fact, often it’s better to have some germs in your home as it helps you build up immunity (yes, believe it or not, it’s NOT good to be too clean!).

But there are cases when you need to sterilize for specific health reasons, and if you do need to do this, then place the dishes to be sterilized on a dish rack, and place the whole thing into the sink and put the stopper or the plug in. Or put the whole thing into a bowl. Then pour the boiling water over the dishes. Once the water has cooled, you can use it for your plants or flowers.

4: Save Water by Collecting Rainwater


save water, use RainwaterCollect rainwater – it’s free, and depending on where you live, it may be plentiful! The best way to collect rainwater is to put a barrel under a downpipe or gutter.

 Be aware: in some States in the US, you are not legally allowed to collect the rainwater that falls on your home.  Check first.

You probably won’t be able to drink it, but you can use the rainwater to wash your hands, or rinse dishes (if you do that) before putting them in the dishwasher.

To make it easy (and I always like to make things easy – if it’s easy, it becomes a habit!), re-use an old milk jug or other container to keep an amount of rainwater handy and available in the kitchen at all times.

Will Saving Water Make a Difference?

The amount of water that you save with these tips is relatively small, in the overall scheme of things.


  • When you start saving water in one area (the kitchen), most people then also start saving water throughout the house and while travelling, so the amount wasted reduces
  • When millions of people around the globe make small changes, together it adds up to big changes.

A quick recap of these tips:

  • Add an aerator to you taps or faucets
  • Capture the water you use to rinse vegetables, scrub pots and pans, pre-rinse items for the dishwasher, or sterilizing, and re-use it for flowers and plants or in your yard or garden.
  • Collect rainwater in a barrel or bucket, and use it in the garden, and re-use an old milk jug to keep some free rainwater in the kitchen and use it to wash your hands instead of tap water.

What else do you do to save water in the kitchen? Let me know in the Comments below.

Please tell your friends and family about saving water. Sharing buttons below and right – thank you! 


eco friendly, faucet aerator, green, kitchen, reduce, save water, save water in the kitchen, water

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