What To Drink When You’re Tired of Water – 5 Healthy Drinks

Add These 5 Healthy Drinks to Your Daily Routine – You’ll be Glad You Did!


water is the best of all healthy drinksOf course, plain old water is always the best thing to drink. But sometimes water can be a bit, well, boring.

But don’t reach for the sodas or soft drinks! They’re full of sugar – and if you choose sugar-free drinks, they’re laden with artificial additives.

Water is always the best drink – your body needs it in order to function properly – but here are 5 healthy alternatives when you have had enough water.


Healthy Drinks Idea #1:- Orange Juice

Healthy drinks #1 - orange juiceDrinking a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice in the morning is the perfect way to start your day. If you don’t want to find the time to make your own on a regular basis, at least try to make it when it will be most useful. For example, making it during allergy season is always a good idea, since this drink is known for soothing season allergies, thanks to its quercetin and vitamin C content.

It’s also worth mentioning that because this drink is an excellent source of vitamin C, it can help to strengthen your immune system and make you less vulnerable to some illnesses.

If you’re buying orange juice instead of making it yourself, make sure to buy pure orange juice – check that nothing else has been added (concentrate is also fine, as long as you check the ingredients). Generally food and drinks with vitamins and minerals added to them don’t provide any additional benefit – often the additives are artificial supplements which are shown not to be absorbed by the body as well as the natural form.


Healthy Drinks Idea #2:- Green Tea

Healthy drinks #2 - green teaThe next time you feel like drinking a cup of coffee, make yourself a cup of green tea instead (it takes the same amount of time). Not only will this provide you with the energy boost that you would seek in a cup of coffee, but it will also provide you with some great health benefits.

Green tea contains polyphenols and flavonoids, which are natural antioxidants that help protect your cells from various harmful substances. Due to its high antioxidant content, green tea can reduce the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease and cancer.

If you don’t like the taste of green tea (I’m not a fan), buy a reputable brand of green tea mixed with another flavour – for example, I drink green tea with cranberry, and green tea with jasmine. They make lovely, refreshing and comforting drinks.


Healthy Drinks Idea #3:- Pomegranate Juice

Healthy drinks #3 - pomegranate juicePomegranate juice has become increasingly popular over the last several years. Not only is this drink very tasty and refreshing, but it also offers a lot of health benefits. Some of the most notable include improved heart health, a strengthened immune system, and a lower risk of cancer.

Drinking pomegranate juice regularly can also help you maintain normal blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

As with orange juice, if you’re buying ready-made juice, be sure to check the label – some producers dilute the drink with other liquids or add sugar.




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Healthy Drinks Idea #4:- Milk

Healthy drinks #4 - milkAs a child, you were probably encouraged to drink milk because of its vitamin D and calcium content. However, milk can be a great drink for grown-ups as well.

I do NOT, however, recommend low-fat or fat-free versions of milk. They are heavily processed (to remove the fat content) and then artificial ingredients are added in – and many of them are not healthy. If you are watching your weight, it’s better to drink a smaller amount of genuine, full-fat, natural milk, rather than more low-fat milk.

Milk contains protein, carbohydrates and good fats. If you are dairy-intolerant or vegan, choose one of the many non-dairy milks available – but again, read the labels and be careful what you are buying.


Healthy Drinks Idea #5:- Beet Juice

Healthy drinks #5 - beet juiceBeet juice is a fabulous health drink! However, it’s not common in grocery stores, so if you can’t find it, you’ll need to make it yourself, using a juicing machine.

Some of the most notable health benefits of beet juice include increased stamina, lower blood pressure, and increased blood flow to the brain.



We all need to drink plenty of fresh water to keep our bodies healthy and functioning well. When you get tired of water, drink fresh orange juice, pomegranate or beet juice, milk and green tea instead. They all provide health benefits, while sodas do not.

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Warm regards,

signature Clare







bored with water, good drinks for health, healthy drinks, healthy drinks for adults, healthy drinks for kids, healthy drinks instead of water, tired of water

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