LED Kitchen Lights

LED Kitchen Lights Revolutionise Design!


LED kitchen lightsKitchens used to be a stove a sink and a fridge, with some cupboards.

Now we want a kitchen to look cool and be the heart of the home.

A great way to achieve this (and save money with energy-efficient lighting) is to use LED kitchen lights.

Kitchens need to be well-lit for safety, health and convenience.

LED kitchen lights are perfect, because LEDs are so clean and bright.  They’re also wonderfully small, so you can place them wherever you want (as long as you can get power there).


LED kitchen lights sexy kitchen

The kitchen above looks clean, modern and even a bit sexy.

You can ‘layer’ lights to  fulfil different requirements, as in this example below.

LED kitchen lights layered

Tip remember that LED kitchen lights are quite intense and can be quite harsh if they are in direct line-of-sight.  So direct them towards ceilings, floors, walls and key features.  They will then accent the feature, and the reflected light will provide softer, more diffused light.

Here’s a simple example of the power of light:

LED Kitchen Lights off

If you’re wondering what’s so special about the picture above, see the same kitchen below – with the LED kitchen lights switched on!  Note how neat they are, you can hardly see the fixtures.

LED Kitchen Lights on



Tip:  Use rope lights for LED kitchen lights – highlighting cupboards, shelves, drawers…. Some are cut-able, some have self-adhesive backing, it’s just so easy now!

LED Kitchen Lights dramatic

LED kitchen lights give you so much flexibility – you really are limited only by your imagination.  These pictures should give you some ideas.

If you can’t stand the heat – get cool, energy-efficient LED kitchen lights!

Next:  LED Home Lighting – 4 Things you Need to Know before you Buy LEDs


Other Lighting Articles – you might find these interesting

New Light Bulb Standards in the US

Light Bulbs Types

CFL Pros and Cons

LED lights at home and how best to use them

Bedroom Lighting Ideas

Bedroom Reading Lights

Harley LED Lights – Harley Davidson go Green (Video)

LED Home Lighting – 4 things you need to know when buying LEDs

Example of LEDs (Videos)


Photo Credits:  

Spotlit kitchen: Kulecat.com

Sexy kitchen: Slodive.com

Off and On kitchen: Pegasus Lighting.com

Kitchen with black ceiling: Slodive.com



  • Clare,
    I like the suggestion to change kitchen lights to LED. I find the suggestion to direct them towards ceilings, floors, walls and key features very valuable. Thanks.

  • I had no idea they made LED lights in rope and some are cut-able and some self-adhering. You’re right. They do make it easy!

  • I love LED lights, and I think the kitchen is a perfect application for them. Thanks for the photos and suggestions.

    Cherie Miranda

  • Probably never would have crossed my mind, thank you for pointing out using LED’s in kitchens, Clare!

    Mark Hogan

  • Time to get to the store. My kitchen lights are horrible and we usually keep them off unless absolutely necessary.

    Yours In Health!

    Dr. Wendy

    • Glad you stopped by! Yes, your site was one of the many I researched for certain bits of information, and you’ll also see a full trackback in my next blog post where I referenced your site. The more information we can disseminate on eco friendly LEDS, the better for all of us, and the planet!

  • I would imagine you don’t support the use of batteries… But since LED lights use so little power you could use a battery to power them where there is no power source. I have one with an adhesive on the back in my closet!

    Just a thought.

  • I love the ideas that you are giving in this blog about ligthing and using different kinds of bulbs and technologies to enhance beautifully our homes!

  • Hi Clare,
    In Australia, they have already stopped incandicent lights. We thought we wouldn’t survive.
    But they have come out with alternatives which need adjustment. Like you need to wait a few minutes for the like to come to full light.
    Looking forward to tomorrow!

  • […] LED Kitchen Lights Clare Delaney is enjoying living and learning more about an eco friendly lifestyle on a small tropical island. var addthis_product = 'wpp-264'; var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true,"data_track_addressbar":true};if (typeof(addthis_share) == "undefined"){ addthis_share = [];} window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: '226926167341756', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.type = 'text/javascript'; e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js'; e.async = true; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }()); /* */ […]

  • Good advice. Makes sense though, I mean is there another room you spend more time in ?
    Be Well.

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