Why (Simple) Yoga is Great for Stress Relief

Fight Stress with Yoga, and Find Serenity. Yoga is Great for Stress Relief. So Is Another Option….


yoga is great for stress relief

Stress is a silent killer – but you already know that. If you’re feeling stressed, you’ve got to do something about it. But you need simple, easy solutions – you’ve got enough stress in your life without worrying about complicated answers. Today I’m going to talk about my 2 favourite solutions to stress. One of them is Yoga. (Did you know Yoga is great for stress relief?) But you’ve got to be able to keep it simple. Easy.

Read on to find out how to reduce your stress levels.

Is Stress All in the Mind?

don't be sedentary, yoga is great for stress reliefIt used to be said that stress was an emotional or mental issue, but now we know that it has physical effects too. If you’re stressed, you might be in pain – back pain for example, or bad headaches. If you’re under stress, you might have insomnia, an upset stomach, or higher levels of anxiety or depression.

Interestingly, a sedentary lifestyle (lying or sitting down for long periods of time) can also cause stress. It seems contradictory, but being sedentary increases the risks of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart ailments.

How NOT To Deal With Stress

When you’re stressed, it’s awfully tempting to reach for comfort food and watch your favorite movie to perk you up.

But you know that it’ll only help for a short time.

How To Deal With Stress – Two Steps

The first step in reducing stress is to consider WHY you’re stressed. It could be money, home life, illness, bosses, partners, spouses, kids, overwork, no work ….. the list is endless.

Once you have identified the problems, you can then try to figure out how to overcome them. It might not be easy, but at least you’ll be moving in the right direction.

And for sure, you need to get some exercise.  That’s step two. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be high-impact athletics – unless you want to, of course!

Exercise is a great way of naturally and effectively reducing chronic tension and fatigue. You’ll feel good after exercising too.

As with everything in life, however, some exercise types are better than others for reducing stress. Here are my two favourites.

Feeling Stressed?


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Best Exercises for Stress

Personally, I’m not a huge fan of exercise. (I prefer to curl up with a good book). So I need to keep it simple.

My 2 favourites are walking – and some clever (but easy) Yoga techniques that reduce stress. Because both walking and Yoga are great for stress relief.

walking and Yoga is great for stress reliefWalking – It’s easy and no-frills. Walking helps you to release tension lodged deep within your muscles, and promotes deep breathing.

It’s also a great way relax. You can spend time with nature and your environment while also having some time to think. You should be able to fit a 15- to 30-minute walk into your daily routine.

And of course it’s green and eco-friendly! So is my next option.

Yoga –Yoga is associated with meditation and finding peace – but it also needs some physical exertion. Doing yoga poses strengthens your muscles and makes your body more flexible and resilient, hence relieving physical tension.

Yoga also requires deep breathing, which triggers your ability to relax. It has also been found to reduce blood pressure and chronic pain. And how about the ability to meditate which yoga develops? Don’t underestimate its power to make you focus, which is essential in managing stress.

Bottom Line

You can probably start walking immediately, if you’re not doing so already.

Getting started with Yoga might take a little longer though.  But here’s a cool solution.

My 5-day Yoga to De-Stress Challenge shows you some really, really simple Yoga techniques that will help you to de-stress quickly, giving you some instant relief.

You don’t need to go to a Yoga class, you don’t need any equipment or clothes, and you don’t need to twist yourself into knots (I’ve seen some very “twisty” Yoga poses and they scare me).

Join the Challenge, and you’ll receive a new Yoga solution every day in your Inbox for 5 days.

Oh, and best of all, it’s completely FREE!

So, join the 5-Day Challenge here!

restorative Yoga is great for stress relief


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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to join the 5-day Yoga to De-Stress Challenge –  it’s fun! You’ll be glad you did.  Click here to join – it’s FREE!


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